Convicted murderer set free by Trump strangles his wife after release: report

Convicted murderer set free by Trump strangles his wife after release: report

Convicted murderer set free by Trump strangles his wife after release: report

Posted by Postnews001

  1. Also, convicted Felon allowed to travel to multiple states and sling hate towards his fellow American.

  2. Remember that time Kamala Harris encouraged people to give to a bail fund and someone got set free that went on to commit a crime? Remember how upset Maga supporters were at Harris over that? Do you think those same individuals will display a similar amount of hand wringing and recrimination about Trump releasing this individual?

  3. That’s kind of like that anti-Carter (or was it anti-Dukakis) ad created by Stone and Manafort for Reagan

  4. I suspect that if given the opportunity Mr Trump would pardon him again. Davidson was able to buy one pardon, and could probably swing a second one.

  5. This is what happens when you have a president with no morals selling pardons to cop killers, I am surprised that you’re not surprised.

  6. Ya know what’s hysterical – liberals talk about Trump, when the biggest red flag should be that all of the liberal states are going to complete shit. By comparison, the republican states are doing well and people are fleeing the blue states by the thousands. That should tell all of these radical idiots something. NY = shit, California = shit. I’d even go as far as saying God might even be pissed (hence all the fires).

  7. Davidson is a good man!

    I never met him. Someone just gave me his name, and so I pardoned him. Never met him. Never heard of him.


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