Foreign worker in Germany complains that no Germans work at German companies.

Foreign worker in Germany complains that no Germans work at German companies.

by nomad_Henry

  1. I have one client IT company that is 95% Indian, only the managers are Dutch. When I visit their office, I don’t hear anyone speak Dutch or English, it’s very surreal at times.

    They do have enormous profit margins though.

  2. If someone walking around the office barefoot is doing as good of a job as you, maybe you are the problem.

  3. I’ve worked with a german company in embedded software for 2 years liké a decade ago, and never encountered any german in it.

    No Indian, but spanish, brazilians, nordicks… It was weird TBH. Good folks though.

  4. I work in IT for a German company, and the German colleagues are all very German. Not sure where this guy is talking about, I guess it’s just another Russian troll.

  5. He is not wrong. I meet a few indians who worked IT, made good money and only speak english. They bring their wife from india and stick mostly to other people from india. The only real problem I have with this is allmost all of them are bought in through the blue card and it seems abusive from the companies. They don’t train people and don’t invest in local population. Can’t blame the indians tho. At least they aren’t a problem and it seems that this level of non integration is aimed at going back at some point.

  6. Turkish friend of mine was looking to rent an apartment. I suggested one that I had seen. His response: Hell no. That building is full of Turks.

  7. Indian? No thank you, in italy we take Bangladesh to build ships, or Africans to keep roads clean

  8. East/south Europeans when Western Europeans cannot differenciate them from Arabs/Turks/Indians and North Africans

  9. Read the post before making snarky comments OP

    Do you think walking around barefoot is normal?

  10. My buddy worked for a multinational in Germany for 2 years and the only coworkers he complained about were the Italians.

  11. Where I worked it was like 90% french, maybe a few Arabs here and there but yeah that’s just france, nothing weird here

  12. Is this a thing? We only have two indians in the IT of my company (big international corp. with around 300 people in IT and 50 more in eastern european nearshore).

    For some reason, every Uber Eats delivery guy is indian though.

    In Central Switzerland, for reference.

  13. I mean… sure but being it full of Germans isn’t exactly cool too. It would be like working with blank walls.

  14. Foreign people working in german companies is a normal thing. Surprise, most people hace to work to have things to eat and a place where to eat.

    I remember in engineering school, during the second year, we have a meeting with students who already finished the career years before who were talking about what was their job, their responsabilities, etc and I was surprised about how many of them ended after a good amounth of time in mid-high positions in many well known companies arround Europe.

  15. I work in IT in Germany and like 85% are German… The rest is either Middle East or something else.

  16. On the other hand, Indians in the UK integrate really well. They speak English, like cricket and have a penchant for bringing in amazing Indian food to share with workmates.

  17. I work with lot of indian folks in support (internal support, not costumer support) and have no complaints

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