Trump Once Promised to Revive Coal. Now, He Rarely Mentions It. Trump oversaw coal’s decline, not its salvation. 75 coal-fired power plants closed and the industry shed about 13,000 jobs during his presidency. “Not a single coal miner went back to work or power plant saved.”

Trump Once Promised to Revive Coal. Now, He Rarely Mentions It. Trump oversaw coal’s decline, not its salvation. 75 coal-fired power plants closed and the industry shed about 13,000 jobs during his presidency. “Not a single coal miner went back to work or power plant saved.”

by mafco

  1. I would not credit Trump with closing coal plants. To me it was economics because coal could not compete with Natural Gas or renewsbles. However, Trump did nothing to retrain or help laid off coal miners.

  2. And Hillary was vilified because she wanted to make sure these coal workers got new job training.

  3. Realistically, Trump just does not care about America. He’s just trying to save his own ass.

  4. Rally morons around a losing cause – they won’t remember or care that they lost the cause because they are morons.

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