Russian recruitment poster shows a Ukrainian soldier holding an infant

With the amount of practice they've gained with their constant propaganda you'd think they'd be better at it than this.

by TheOracle722

  1. Tells me that the propagandists couldn’t find a single photo of an RF soldier doing something compassionate.

  2. They drafted everyone at ad agency (1). New Graphic designer works remote from Abkhazia (*) and took whatever picture he found and used the “hue” tool (2) on Gimp (3) because it’s simpler. He wasn’t paid last month anyways.

    (1): They haven’t been heard of since.
    (*): Area from Georgia that was declared independent by Russia and is recognized by Vanuatu.
    (2): Or maybe it was that tool with a gear icon. Who cares: it changes the image.
    (3): Cool open source stuff. Also, Photoshop is on the Cloud and you must pay in Dollars.

  3. Still better than putting up Tiger tank on a billboard to celebrate EV day.
    They recently used the photo of Bonnie and Clyde in lieu of a historical Soviet photograph of a happy couple.

  4. Reminds me of that sign they used for their 9th May parade in 2023: an inside view of a the cockpit of a German He-111 on its way to Britain. And the Russians suggested it was a soviet crew in a soviet plane during WW2.

    Tells you all you need to know about Russia’s relationship to truth, reality, and authenticity.

  5. Can someone translate what the sign says? I have no context other than they’re using a ukrainian soldier for the picture.

  6. Makes sense, whenever you hear a story about a Russian soldier with an infant it’s never good.

  7. Then, once photo-op was over, the child got…

    … treated with traditional russian values, of course. Right?

  8. Someone should photoshop this poster so instead of a kid there’s a washing machine over the shoulder or something like that.

  9. I’m surprised they didn’t just steal some babies to take pictures with, I guess this is less effort. Is Russia failing as a society cuz they’re all just lazy drunks who like to cut corners? Or can all the blame be put solely on Putin.

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