David Knowles, journalist behind Telegraph’s Ukraine: The Latest podcast, dies aged 32.At the outbreak of the war Knowles launched Ukraine: The Latest, a weekday podcast that is still running two years later. This year Ukraine: The Latest won the Best News Podcast at the Publisher Podcast Awards

David Knowles, journalist behind Telegraph’s Ukraine: The Latest podcast, dies aged 32.At the outbreak of the war Knowles launched Ukraine: The Latest, a weekday podcast that is still running two years later. This year Ukraine: The Latest won the Best News Podcast at the Publisher Podcast Awards

by RoninSolutions

  1. He did great work in keeping the invasion & more importantly the struggle & threats to the Ukrainian people at the forefront for people around the world .

    A few weeks ago our Aid group was part of a convoy from out of the UK delivering aid & vehicles to Front Line Units & we all listened to the podcast on the long drives each day to catch up on what we were driving into .

    We run a Cattle Ranch in the high country of Montana & whether on horse back pushing up some cows or in the cab of my truck, l would listen to David every day while out moseying around on the ranch he will be sadly missed .

    Here is a link to a beautiful but emotional announcement & tribute from his friends & workmates at Ukraine: The Latest podcast. Give it a bit of time to start up as they are gathering their strength to speak at the start & it ends with a beautiful favorite song of Davids from the Ukrainian artist Taras Kompanichenko =


    RIP David .

    Slava Ukraini, Heroyam Slava!

  2. I’m absolutely gutted! Felt like a friend to me as the podcast has been my main reliable source of information since the very beginning.. RIP.

  3. It was my goto trusted source for Ukraine news in the UK..Switching onto listen to twitter spaces today I could not believe my ears of Dom’s announcement. Condolence to his family and friends. He left his mark on the world and I am grateful.

  4. A great loss. I have been a regular follower of Ukraine: The Latest for quite a while and am sorry to hear of his tragic passing. He was a great ally for Ukraine and will be sorely missed by his listeners around the world. R.I.P. David.

  5. That’s terrible news, I’ve listened to that podcast everyday on my walk home from work.”…. and I’m David Knowles …” I feel sorry for his family. And his friends and listeners

  6. Cardiac arrest at age 32? If he was huge I would better believe it. Did he have congenital heart problems?

  7. I just finished his podcast episode from Friday. This podcast has given me hope when I was down from all the bad news. RIP

  8. I’m shook. Listened to his voice in my ear nearly every week day for over two years. Watched the special round tables and events moderated by him. Great career ahead of him. Dead at 32. Never knew the guy but feels like I do so hit me hard. Condolences to his family.

  9. RIP David. His podcast was nothing short of amazing. I can’t believe he was so young. Thoughts are with his family.

  10. This is difficult to process.

    Those gentlemen have been a part of my every day for 2 years now.

    Deepest sympathy and love for the family, his presence and voice will be missed.

    I hope there is a thorough investigation is done.

  11. I’m shocked. It’s one of my favorite podcasts. I always play it on the way to work. I remember that one of the last times I listened I thought I should Google those names because I didn’t know how he looked… A sad way to find his picture.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if he was murdered because of his work.

    Anyhow, rest in peace David.

  12. The automod will not let articles or links from the Telegraph ,but they obviously did a good article for one of their own ,so here is a C&P of it.

    First here is a link to a beautiful but emotional announcement & tribute from his friends & workmates at Ukraine: The Latest podcast =


    – David Knowles, journalist behind Telegraph’s Ukraine war podcast, dies aged 32

    Mr Knowles’s father said his eldest son ‘loved life, and he lived it just as well as he could’ –

    David Knowles, the Telegraph journalist behind the award-winning Ukraine: The Latest podcast, has died.

    Mr Knowles, 32, who worked as a senior audio journalist and presenter, died while in Gibraltar on Sunday following what was believed to be a cardiac arrest.

    He joined The Telegraph in 2020 as deputy head of social media and was later promoted to head of social media.

    Upon the outbreak of the Ukraine war in 2022, Mr Knowles launched Ukraine: The Latest, a weekday podcast that is still running two years later.

    This year, Ukraine: The Latest won the Best News Podcast at the Publisher Podcast Awards.

    Mr Knowles’s father, Peter, described his eldest son as someone who “loved life, and he lived it just as well as he could”.

    He said: “David’s commitment to journalism was intense. He was never prouder than when he finally shrugged off a management job title and regained a title with the word ‘journalist’ in it, and he was utterly engaged with the story of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine and the impact on its people, making four trips to the country and always planning the next.”

    Chris Evans, the editor of The Telegraph, said: “David was a talented and popular journalist who was perhaps best known for helping to make our Ukraine podcast such a success. Before that, he was an impressive leader of our social media team. We would like to offer our sympathy to his family and friends.”

    Mr Knowles launched Ukraine: The Latest as a Twitter Space before it became a fully fledged podcast. Starting on the day of the Russian invasion in February 2022, it is now approaching 100 million downloads.

    He anchored the podcast and became known as its “voice”, travelling across Ukraine with his audio equipment to capture stories to pull into special episodes that told how the lives of ordinary Ukrainian people were being destroyed by Putin’s war.

    He and the podcast team also toured the show in America last year, where a large part of its audience is based.

    More recently, Mr Knowles and the team were invited to speak at the US embassy in London, at the Chalke History Festival, and at Armed Forces Day in Scarborough about the Ukraine war.

  13. This is terrible. I’ve followed the podcast from the start and all the guys feel like friends now.

  14. Like so many others in this conflict. David was a prince. My heart is breaking for him and his family.

  15. Terrible. He was a good man, I listened to every one of his podcasts. A solid journalist and like a friend I never met in person. My condolences to his family and his network of friends.

  16. Between David and Dom, I don’t know of a more consistently informative and knowledgeable bunch of journalists covering Ukraine. The whole telegraph crew are great. Will continue to listen but that’s wild. And sad.

  17. Sad news, he will be missed greatly. I don’t always agree politically with the telegraph. But his work was important on spreading awareness and knowledge about the war in Ukraine to western audiences. RIP

  18. Wow, that’s really shocked me. I’ve listened to this podcast daily for months. Rest in Peace

  19. David Knowles, as well as the rest of the crew on Ukraine The Latest, kept me informed day in day out and is the reason I’m still following the conflict. It was his reporting and dedication that brought a bit of Ukraine into my living room (car, office, kitchen) every day for the past two years and I will miss him deeply.

  20. This is utterly devastating! I’ve been listening regularly to the podcast almost since the war began. In a weird way, the team feel like friends at this point. I’m so flippen sad David is gone, but I hope the rest of the team is able to continue the great legacy he started with the podcast.

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