European fighter jets deployed after Russian drones enter Nato airspace

European fighter jets deployed after Russian drones enter Nato airspace

by TheTelegraph

  1. **From The Telegraph:**

    Russian drones breached the airspace of two Nato members, Latvia and Romania, in less than 24 hours, sparking calls for a joint response from the Western military alliance.

    One of the drones reportedly flew into Romania on Sunday during a night-time attack on neighbouring Ukraine, while another crashed in eastern Latvia the day before.

    Bucharest dispatched F-16 fighter jets to monitor the skies and issued text warning alerts to residents of two eastern regions.

    Latvia’s defence minister said a Russian drone had fallen near the town of Rezekne on Saturday after it had likely strayed into the country from neighbouring Belarus, a Russian ally.

    Both countries issued initial incident reports to their fellow Nato allies, as fuller investigations were launched.

    “This situation is a confirmation that we need to continue the work we have started to strengthen Latvia’s eastern border, including the development of air defence capabilities and electronic warfare capabilities to limit the activities of UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicles] of different applications,” Andrea Spruds, Latvian defence minister said.

    Edgar Rinkevics, the Latvian president, wrote on social media: “We are in close contact with our allies. The number of such incidents is increasing along the eastern flank of Nato and we must address them collectively.”

    **More here:** [](

  2. The response should be to shoot them down as anyone would, if their country’s safety was threatened? Why does this require a collective response?

  3. why even bother? you are safe, those drones and rockets will return to territory of ukraine and kill some kids or blow up some power station. relax

    can you even imagine how pathetic these actions are?

  4. Why has nobody in Russia killed Putin yet? Seems like the perfect opportunity to get rid of him and grab power.

  5. Well then flight right over Kaliningrad as a response… if russia can do that shit, NATO should also

  6. So the drones crashed and the jets flew over there to just look around and do nothing. Shoot them down before they crash somewhere. But I guess it makes for a nice headline. As if the response did anything.

  7. If Russia can’t keep their war to the designated “not our problem” zone, then there’s certainly no reason to put artificial limits on how Ukraine uses the weapons we give them. The entire Russian military is a valid target.

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