[OC] What if the 2024 UK General Election was held under the German electoral system?

[OC] What if the 2024 UK General Election was held under the German electoral system?

Posted by Yodoliyee

  1. No criticism of your post but with a different electoral system, many voters would have voted differently.

  2. Seat map of the United Kingdom House of Commons if the 2024 Election was held under the German electoral system. The number of constitutencies won by a party was halved and rounded down to the nearest whole number. Despite the SNP and Sinn Fein not making the 5% threshold, they sill get full proportional representation, as they won more than 3 constituencies. Parties for ethnic minorities (I considered Plaid Cymru as such) also get full proportional representation, regardless of how many votes or constituencies they got.

  3. It would help the non-Brita reading this if you put the delta from the current results somewhere.

  4. And you get a hung parliament or a coalition and you know how bad coalitions are, it’s screwed Germany on it’s energy policies when the greens got a say in abolishing nuclear power.

  5. Wouldn’t a bunch of those parties not meet the German minimum threshold? This looks more like what would happen in a Dutch style straight up proportional system.

  6. I’d recommend the recent Veritasium deep dive into the trickiness of designing a fair electoral system that can’t be gamed.

  7. One thing that’s off that I’m definite about is the seat number. Germany does not have a fixed number of seats. They have a fixed number of constituency seats, but proportional seats while fixed as well can change depending on how well other parties at the constituency level. For example the Green Party of Germany often does poorly at the constituency level, so they get way more proportional seats than expected, as they get bonus, so they can ever do better than parties that get more proportional votes.

    So my main point is: take this post with a grain of salt, it’s probably closer to Scotlands electoral system than Germanies except a larger proportion of seats are from the proportional system.

    There is absolutely under no way there would be 650 seats even if you halved all the constituencies and made half the seats proportional, as there would be ones added later.

  8. Would be interesting to see the actual representation, cause right now, is it a bit different? A Lot different?

    I don’t know

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