National dishes are weird to us Hanses

National dishes are weird to us Hanses

by Available-Shelter-89

  1. Maybe in your northern shithole.

    We’re out here eating Schweinshaxen with a premium helles.

    After that a nice Trockenbeerauslese Riesling with a Black Forest cake.

    Life is good south of the Main.

  2. Time for an unpopular opinion: visited Hansrepubliek back in the spring and fucking loved their food: the german croquettes, the bread, the pastries, the unnumerable types of wurst, the obligatory schnitzler menu inside every menu. And, above all: Salatteller, genius Salatteller. I want that shit at every meal. The Germans know how to make veggies I want to eat: the red cabbage, the young white cabbage with a bit of cream and lots of dill, the creamy spinach, I want it all.

  3. Uff this post and comment section makes you doubt God’s existence. It’s too much for a true PIGS native…

  4. As a PIG, and looking at the comments, this explains a lot… if you eat this, you’re fucked Hans

  5. First of all: Austrians are German (even if you are brainfucked you have to acknowledge that they are part of the German cultural sphere) so you basically played German food against the shit you’re doing in Berlin

    And 2nd: currywurst is the most ungerman German food (except maybe Döner) you could find. Try sauerbraten or Brötchen mit hackepeter or schweinshaxe etc pp. – or better don’t and just stay in Berlin with the rest of your anywhere friends

  6. this hap clearly never tried a good Schweinsbraten mit Dunkelbiersoße, and if he did he‘s delete this post right now

  7. I always wonder who has the most to gain by convincing us Berliner food is the only food Hans has, instead of all that delicious Bavarian food

    Who’s pushing the conspiracy?

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