Brace Yourself: Trump’s Debate Performance Against Harris Will Be a Total Trainwreck

Brace Yourself: Trump’s Debate Performance Against Harris Will Be a Total Trainwreck

Brace Yourself: Trump’s Debate Performance Against Harris Will Be a Total Trainwreck

Posted by newsjam

  1. I think most of the World is expecting that result. Which makes it easier for him to outperform expectations. But the actual debate is what will count. I am hoping she absolutely wipes up the floor with him and leaves him a quivering mass of blubber crying at his podium.

  2. 🍿🍿🍿👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼I can’t wait!!!! She is going to eat him up and spit him out because he is a disgusting idiot weirdo. I hope she calls him a weirdo he will come unglued even more.

  3. Yes, make some popcorn it’s gonna be entertaining. Orange peel skin cotton candy hair piss poor attitude geriatric yelling at kids to get off his lawn and calling names like a 7 year old bully, and a beautiful and relatively young, coherent, educated, smart, articulate woman. Ah, the smell of it~!

  4. Let’s not lower expectations for him. This is how you get pundits saying he did a great job just for being relatively sane.

  5. Fox will tell their viewers he won, with at most a small portion of carefully edited footage.

  6. IDK Trump gets hopped up on something at certain key moments so I’m not expecting “low energy Trump”. I think we can expect “crazy hotheaded Trump”. I know one thing for sure – even if Trump crashes and burns, Republicans will say and think he had the best performance ever. Kamala will be the only one under scrutiny.

  7. Trump’s going to spew out bullshit and more lies than ever in his demented weave approach, looking forward to Kamala prosecuting this fool.

  8. Well yeah, we know. Why the hell would anyone think otherwise? His “debate” method hasn’t changed since 2015.

  9. People have to stop expecting a demolishing. It’s just lowering the bar. If everyone expects Kamala to beat Trump 12 rounds to none, every “point” he “scores” is him beating the expectations. And when expectations are beaten, suddenly people overcorrect and now Trump “won” the debate. I see this in boxing and mma fans all the time.

  10. That’s because he’s a petulant, permanently butthurt crybaby and he’ll throw a tantrum in front of the country.

    If you’re still voting for this guy, get help.

  11. And he will still get at least 48% of the votes, and he may still even win!! Brace yourselves, you’re about to see how low your country can fall

  12. The bar is sooooo low, that people will be like, he didn’t use the n word, so he did better than I thought.

  13. If she stays on top of her agenda, what she plans to bring to the table and keep her message clean – he will goto low blow attacks and name calling. If she doesn’t stoop to his level she’ll wipe him like the shitstain he is.

  14. Surprised the headline didn’t include “How this will impact Kamala Harris and be bad for her campaign”.

  15. “It was rigged. It’s was a hoax. She had help from the fake news media. She had high heels. She wouldn’t let me grab her… if only she let me grab her I would have won…

    I would have won by a whisker …” – DOE 174

  16. And the media will treat the train wreck of Donold Trump as completely normal, just like they have his whole criminal life.

  17. Hope she uses convicted felon , sexual assault, and weirdo. That will make him fill his depends and have a break down and walk off stage.. 🤔🤫🤪💙💙💙💙

  18. My prediction: the most annoying people on both sides will claim victory and say the other side embarrassed themselves.

  19. Dont see what she could say that could inluence his base, he will call her a bitch and tackle her wwe style and his base will love it

  20. He will be exposed as the fraud he is. The childish name calling won’t have any effect on Kamala. He’ll try to confront her about all of the usual Republican election season buzzwords, and will fail miserably. Whatever he attempts to try to contradict her will make him look like an even bigger moron than we know him to be. He has no policies, just fear and hate mongering. This will be like shooting fish in a barrel for Kamala.

  21. Trump will be trump and babble incoherently as usual and make an utter fool out of himself, and then the media will instead talk endlessly about how Kamala fumbled one thing and how her performance was ‘weak’.

    Half the media wants Trump to win, the other half wants Kamala to lose because it’s better for ratings.

  22. He’s already shielded himself from being branded the loser. Everything is rigged. It’s so incredibly frustrating that he is able to do that every single time and get away with using the same tired excuses. Everything is bad unless I do well.

  23. Oh my God, so this conversation just happened. I’m at a store that I go to like once a week and talk to this nice 70 something year old and she says- I can’t wait for the debate. I say me either. Then she says, I want to see what Karmella (🙄) says because you know she’s not the brightest person. UM, WHAT!! I just ended it there and said I’m not sure how late I have to work and may have to record it. I just couldn’t go there with her. I live in a very blue area and I’m shocked when I come across these totally uniformed dipshits

  24. Media was saying the same thing about Biden before the debate, then Biden stuttered once and that was enough for Trump to get away with literally shitting his pants during the debate.

  25. I’m saddened by the mics being muted. Cause you know that idiot is going to get misogynistic and racist real fast.

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