In Australia, 42% of People are Reducing or Ending Meat Consumption

In Australia, 42% of People are Reducing or Ending Meat Consumption

by fuggenrad

  1. “Australians are cutting back on meat due to health and price concerns, but adoption of plant-based meats remains low, and their taste is a big reason why.

    One in five (21%) of citizens are ‘meat reducers’ – people who are eating less meat but don’t identify as flexitarians – making it the most popular diet in the country, according to a 2,000-person survey conducted by Toluna for think tank Food Frontier.

    Respondents were asked to choose from 13 different dietary patterns – 10% said they were vegetarian, 7% flexitarian, and another 5% vegan, meaning that 42% of Australians are either reducing meat or not consuming it at all.

    This year, a quarter of respondents have reduced their meat consumption, while 12% are planning to do so, and 2% have eliminated it altogether. The top three reasons for this were health concerns (61%), budgetary constraints (54%), and climate change (37%) – the latter is a welcome surprise, given the country has one of the [largest climate denial rates]( in the world.”

    Big news coming from one of Murdoch’s stomping grounds.

  2. Take note all those who insist that “significant dietary change is impossible so don’t bother advocating it”.

  3. I think reduction is a good avenue. Maybe that and subbing fish, or chicken. Probably more likely than getting people to give it up entirely.

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