Israel warnt: Palästinensisches Dorf wird zerstört, wenn sich die Bewohner weigern, umzusiedeln

Israel warnt: Palästinensisches Dorf wird zerstört, wenn sich die Bewohner weigern, umzusiedeln

  1. Hamas is a monster with nu respect for human life. But it is Israel’s Frankenstein monster. Why is America involved in this shitshow? We get nothing but grief.

  2. Petty bullshit by the Defense Ministry at a time when there are clearly bigger fish to fry.

    Clearing some poor Palestinian village off of an archeological site south of Hebron? Even just from a strategic perspective for Israel – how do the benefits of relocating them outweigh the obvious PR drawbacks? And that’s setting aside the obvious humanitarian arguments.

  3. Lose your home or you’ll lose your home.

    Alternatively – the premise is that your home is lost. Do you want compensation or not?

    Stinky business regardless.

  4. Does anyone know the significance of this being built in “Area C?”

    The article makes it seem like that’s significant but doesn’t explain how

    Is Area C supposed to be for Israelis only or are they supposed to share and Israel just has administrative duties?

  5. What has this got to do will going after Hamas. They need to focus on rescuing the remaining prisoners.

  6. This is part of the systemic usurping of Palestinian land. This has been going on for years. Many in the world only see Palestinians as Hamas and lack the knowledge of how they are treated as almost untouchables in a caste system set up by the Israeli government.

    Downvotes only show your ignorance.

  7. Yeah this is one of those scenarios where the criticism of Israel should be plain and deeply cutting- even if you support Israel.

    There is so much here that I *refuse* to believe can’t be alleviated on a macro level. Does Israel really need to kick these Palestinians off of this land? Is it really reasonable that the Palestinians living there couldn’t have gotten permits all this time? Even if they could have and they didn’t- we can’t issue them permits now? How valuable is this archaeological site when the community was built in the 80s and then the demolition judgement was on pause for the last 7 years after that?

    Israel needs some serious self-reflection that I hope its capable of come its next elections. The IDF shouldn’t be facilitating this- and it shouldn’t be facilitating settler terrorism either. It doesn’t matter how many Palestinians do vile murders and rapes and destructions across the country- this *cannot* be the answer- it does not need to be so it shouldn’t be. The country would be so much more powerful and defensible on the world stage if it were to do hard crackdowns on this kind of shit- but it feels like doing that would lead to civil strife without left-wing or centrist control of government.

    Get BB’s ass out ASAP.

  8. the settlements will always be the biggest barrier to peace. “there are no settlements in Gaza” there were, Ariel Sharon got them out and that was some of the last progress we’ve had on peace. Half a million settlers in the west bank, taking all the water and arable land ensures there will never be peace.

  9. Thuggish government. The West Bank belongs to Palestinians. A random village in the West Bank ain’t hurting nobody.

  10. They were perfectly happy to run over an American activist with a bulldozer, killing her all those years ago, so I imagine doing it en masse to the actual residents is no problem for the Israeli government. 

    Edit: [Rachel Corrie](

    Edit 2: Oh cripes, it’s already been 21 years? Seemed like just a decade ago.

  11. Cleansing people of a specific ethnicity off a piece of land. I wonder if there’s a term for it….

  12. “Israel warns Palestinian ~~village~~ illegal settlement will be demolished if residents refuse to relocate” (to a location not resting on top of a protected archeological site)

    There, fixed the title. The original title is ragebait, this wouldn’t be a news story in most countries.

  13. The Wikipedia page says it has population of 60 in 2007
    Is this a recent Bedouin settlement?

  14. > Khirbet Zanuta is a Palestinian village in the South Hebron Hills region of the West Bank, in Area C where Israel has full security and civil control. The stone structures built there over the years by its Palestinian residents are illegal

    It’s a silly time to pursue this, but it’s a little silly that they built their homes in an Israeli controlled area.

  15. So if I understood correctly this article :

    They decided to destroy the village Khirbet Zanuta in 2007 because Area C & Archaeological zone, then decided not to in 2017, then the villager fled settlers violence after oct 7th massacre, then High Court order the army help them return.

    And then the Civil Administration order the destruction of the village for Oct 1st with relocation just three kilometers away on territory still inside Area C but closer to area A & B.

    It reminds me of “The places that send you mad” from the 12 tasks of Asterix


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