In Marhanets, Dnipropetrovska oblast, children were playing in a playground when the shelling started, they ran to their homes to escape. This footage shows the cruel reality that Ukrainian children are forced to live in

In Marhanets, Dnipropetrovska oblast, children were playing in a playground when the shelling started, they ran to their homes to escape. This footage shows the cruel reality that Ukrainian children are forced to live in

by Exotic-Strawberry667

  1. Fuck russia
    Fuck everyone who supports russia
    In Marhanets, Dnipropetrovska oblast, children were playing in a playground when the shelling started. Children are playing, and when the shelling starts, they immediately run to their homes to escape. This footage shows the cruel reality that Ukrainian children are forced to live in.

    Source: Katerina Horbunova

  2. That little girl running back to get her friend is the embodiment of the brave courageous people of Ukraine. Russia really is nothing but a terrorist state, cruel bastards.

  3. 2 years already this fucking madness.
    The “west” were saying after WWII “no more” and what now?! Nothing! Fucking chicken leaders.
    Those poor kids, all Ukrainian people.
    Breaks my heart.
    But wtf can we do!!! :((((((

  4. Yeah, truely terrible, imagine that this war could have been ended two years ago, but Boris insisted on fighting to the last Ukrainian.

  5. The kids man, gives me a panic attack every time. And look at the selflessness of the one girl running back for the other. I don’t care what your affiliations are, if you are a parent, or have even basic empathy, how is this ok to let go on? Why do we let Russia do this?

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