How is this still a tight race?

How is this still a tight race?

Posted by Charmin_Mao

  1. The worst part of this is, when the small handed felon was asked about this at the economic summit, he implied this but couldn’t articulate it because he rambled on incoherently about something else.

  2. No American will work for 12 cents an hour like Chinese kids do or for NOTHING like Chinese prisoners do.

    Tariffs will fail.

    AMERICAN FAMILIES will be destroyed from paying tariffs.

  3. Sure, I think Trump supporters are outright idiots, but I also think you’d have to have been in a coma not to be aware of his worse discretions and be “on the fence”.

  4. They raised tariffs when the first signs if the great depression was showing. It excelerated the issue not solve it

  5. Remember in 2019 when the FED printed several trillion dollars to bail out big banks? Where were the cries against socialism then?

  6. What tariffs? On who? For what term? What are they basing as the cost of childcare?

    I bet Trump can’t answer any of these questions…

  7. It blows my mind that people are going to vote for Trump because they actually think he’s the better candidate.

  8. It’s probably not. But Dems are notoriously lazy when it comes to voting when they think they have it in the bag.

  9. I mean it’ll work in the sense that so many jobs will be lost that a lot of stay at home parents are suddenly created

  10. Tariffs are about the only thing I fault Joe for. He’s kept a lot of the tariffs from the Trump era in place.

  11. Political polarization is not only entrenched by calcified. It is close because there really isn’t that many swing voters to go get.

  12. Gee, it’s not like Trump’s last round of Chinese tariffs pushed up consumer prices and boosted inflation.

  13. The Toyota Hilux is the best pick up truck on the planet. There’s a 25% tariff on it and that’s why you don’t see them in the United States. It’s just to expensive to buy.

  14. Yeah, that’s the match that ignited the great depression. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

  15. Every American kid in middle school leaned about the Boston tea party. Why ? And what was it about ?? Tariffs on tea !! Also a big reason Americans are coffee drinkers. But ok let’s not learn history.

  16. I recently saw a meme that purported media keeps the polls at neck-and-neck in order to keep viewers engaged. I can’t believe that Kamala Harris won’t beat Trump into the ground on election day. I also thought that about Hillary Clinton and Trump; then again Donald handily lost the popular vote and a right-wing slanted electoral college gave him the 2016 win.

  17. Biden kept the Trump tarrifs and expanded them even. We can’t just accept slave labor produced goods from China.

    They say tarrifs hurt American consumers but so does losing all your manufacturing jobs to a country that utilizes slave labor.

    I want to know if these are the same economists that wanted unemployment to rise to 7% or higher to slow inflation because wages were too high.

    Edit: fuck Trump, he couldn’t even do tarrifs well and Biden is doing it better.

  18. sooooooooo in he basically said “bro, don’t worry about it. The financial relief will trickle down from the tax cuts i’ll be giving to the big companies. Trust me, bro”


  19. >Corporations just pass taxes onto consumers!

    ~ The GQP for my entire life.

    >I will make Chy-Nuh pay tarrifs!

    ~ DonOld Sr

    >Yes my master! So brilliant!

    ~ those same spinless sheep GQP

  20. But that’s the point.

    THAT’S why all these people LOVE him. They’re idiots. Trump speaks no higher than a third grade level and they love him for it.

    He makes it seem like VERY complex problems have very simple solutions.

    Imagine someone comes up to the Mic in front of ALL the Trump supporters and ACTUALLY explained, in detail, a REAL proposed solution to child care. The tax ramifications, the social needs, the budgeting, bringing it to floor votes, etc.

    These people would roll their eyes, call them an egghead and probably throw shit at them. (Think Fauci)

    But here comes a con-man who says “OH HO this complex problem is actually SUPER EASY we’ll just tariff and collect the money.”

    His followers are the same exact people who believe the ads on Youtube that claim “This is what the DOCTOR’s and BIG PHARMA DON’T want you to know!” Those Cons are taking something complex and scary (diabetes) that has a REAL impact on these peoples lives, and then sell a convienient and simple solution…buy my snake oil pills. Trump is using the same con.

    It makes them feel special and smart. Almost more importantly it’s insulting and poking fun at the people who’ve made them feel dumb their whole lives.

    I don’t know how you fix this.

    EDIT: A quick list of problems and Trump’s solutions

    1) Immigration (Build a wall)
    2) Illegals Working (Use military to drive them out)
    3) Covid (Use lights and bleach, or it will magically go away)
    4) Healthcare (It’s so easy, we have a great plan that magically gives you EVERYTHING YOU WANT)
    5) Energy (DRILL BABY DRILL)
    6) Hurricane? (Sharpies and Nukes)

    It’s the kind of answers a 5 year old might give.

  21. It’s funny, I heard a story on NPR the other week about polling and doing a study on “undecided voters”. They just flat out asked “who is undecided at this point?” The answer came back as “low information voters”, along with a couple of other euphemisms for clueless people. But then they interviewed some of them and they were absolute fucking morons. One of them was a woman who said that a woman’s right to choose was one her most important issue, but she was still likely to vote for Trump because she didn’t believe that Harris was going to be able to get anything done about it. Most of them are people that I wouldn’t trust to walk and chew gum at the same time, and unfortunately the election is going to disproportionately hang on which lever they pull.

  22. Why do a lot of people think by charging an overseas company a tax to ship their goods to the US will suddenly cost buyers less? First, the shipping company will charge more to recoup the cost of the tarriff. Second, if the country doesn’t ship to the US in retailiation, then it forces US buyers to “buy US”. Have any of these people priced solely made US goods? They are usually more expensive than foreign made goods. And, third, it hinders competition to create better or new goods if everyone just buys US made. US auto manufacturers, I am looking at you in the ’50s to 80s when you guys churned out junk that only lasted 5 years until Toyota and Honda hit the scene. Ya cleaned up your act pretty quickly.

  23. I don’t think it is. Honestly, you can manipulate research to reflect a host of things especially when you have an agenda at the outset (and Russian Bo’s interference.)

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