JD Vance in tears after Speaking only Twelve Supporters in Kenosha, Wisconsin

JD Vance in tears after Speaking only Twelve Supporters in Kenosha, Wisconsin

JD Vance in tears after Speaking only Twelve Supporters in Kenosha, Wisconsin

Posted by Postnews001

  1. Looking at photos of the event.  There were definitely more than 12 people there.  Less than 50 but more than 20

  2. This story should be flagged as propaganda, their is nothing human about JD Vance. I call BS on him getting “emotional”.

  3. Maybe if he were to provide donuts at his events, more people would show up.

    Oh wait a sec …….

  4. “This public display of emotion could humanize him to voters who may relate to his struggles in a political landscape that can be unforgiving and unpredictable.”

    There is a month and a half to the election. If he hasn’t got a message by now, it ain’t gonna happen. There is just not enough time for him to become human.

  5. This same story is posted every week with a different city. I don’t believe it. I think media may be trying to lull us into complacency.
    We need to get everyone fired up to [**VOTE**](https://www.vote.org)

    Kamala is still an underdog with the obstacles of the electoral college and voter suppression tactics in so many areas.

  6. You know what be epic, I imagine profitable, and save this dude from a lifetime of embarrassment—- if he just straight up renounced Trump all of the sudden and said “ guys – enough is enough. I’m sorry – but this isn’t right. I’m sorry I got caught up in it – I really do believe the core conservative values – but I DO NOT support an angry, spiteful, extremely uneducated con man to run our country. Today – as a MAN and an AMERICAN – I support Kamala Harris.

    Dude would be the ultimate hero. A true human. It’s totally fine to admit you’ve been wrong. Honestly – it’s one of the qualities I look up to and respect the most.

  7. literally nobody likes him. His only job is to be the fall guy and not certifying the elections to make Trump king

  8. Also don’t forget that JD once compared Trump to Hitler and has given no true reason for his change in ideals. He can cry all he wants but he put himself in this predicament. He attached himself to 78 year old convicted felon, rapist, con man, and liar. He should have taken the L he was about to get in Ohio and tried again. Instead he made a pact with a man that he had previously denounced, and not look at him, unprepared, and overwhelmed just for the sake of power.

  9. It could have been worse. On the bright side, after all the things he’s done, he still has twelve (12), supporters.

  10. Serious question, has there ever been a worse VP candidate? I know Dan Quayle had problems but no one seems to like this guy.

  11. Tears of gratitude for the overwhelming turnout. One audience member was heard to say: “Are there any more donuts?”

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