Do yourself a favour – get a load of figs while they’re in season.

One thing we don't get much of in UK supermarkets is figs – but they're incredible fruit. Delicious and super good for you! Usually can be found at your local 'European supermarket' – get some while (and where) you can!

by Halfacupoftea

  1. “One thing we don’t get much of in UK supermarkets”

    What a weird thing to say. What supermarkets do you go to? I always see figs at my local Tesco, Sainsburys, and Lidl.

    EDIT: this is getting downvoted…why exactly? Is it unusual to see figs in a supermarket?

  2. Wrap a fig in a slice of streaky bacon and roast til the bacon is done. Melt a fair bit of blue cheese (Gorgonzola or similar) in a pan of single cream. Boil some pasta such as tagliatelle (thin the blue cheese sauce with a bit of pasta water if it’s a little claggy). Mix sauce and pasta, bacon fig on top. Lovely

  3. Ahh! I love figs. My parents have a few fig trees in their garden. So good with halloumi and salads, honey!

  4. They are delicious and so good for you. I just had some on pizza in France. Not beige enough for a lot of people here though.

  5. Figs are delicious. We had a massive tree in our garden but they attract lots of rats in Southern California 🙁

  6. Figs. Salty ham. A drop of balsamic glaze (or real balsamic if you can get it). Delicious!

  7. Nah. I hate them. Also the idea of them (fig wasps/them being inside out flowers) puts me right off too.

  8. All the figs you get in supermarkets seem to be black bursa, nice fig but nothing beats growing your own

  9. I’d give the figs a hard pass, but those little green grapes are my absolute favourite,

  10. I love fresh figs, and usually they’re so expensive in the UK! I just like them on their own, but my mum loves to cook with them, like pairing them with cheese, nuts, maybe putting in a tart, putting on pizza, using in a tagine, or roasting them as a side. She also likes to put them on porridge!

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