The Canada Media Fund financed the production of the documentary, which essentially denies Russian war crimes in Ukraine, with $340,000

The Canada Media Fund financed the production of the documentary, which essentially denies Russian war crimes in Ukraine, with $340,000

by UNITED24Media

  1. Now this film, which basically denies Russian war crimes in Ukraine, will be screened at the Toronto International Film Festival.

  2. On one hand it is sad canadian funds have been used, an the other hand it says something about free speech. **Both problematic if abused** – thats not news – the question should be how the heck was she able to get the funding and who checked if she sticks to proposed fund-able trustworthy content (assuming they made something up and nobody checked twice).

  3. Denying Holocaust is considered a crime. Why should denying ruzzians crimen be no crime? The people in charge should learn the lesson for themself.

  4. Also found this post and photo on united 24 media: “This photo is sparking outrage online; it captures Russian-Canadian director Anastasia Trofimova filming Elizaveta Glinka, who was behind the initial cases of kidnapping Ukrainian children from Ukrainian territories to Russia in 2014.”

  5. I’m Canadian and have no idea what’s going on. Who what where when why made this film and what is the basis of this film? Where was it aired?

  6. Canada, what happened to you?? You use to be the affordable, sane, rational, responsible, boring northern neighbor that made the US look like clowns. How youve changed since my childhood…

  7. Outrageous. TIFF, TVO, the CMF and anyone else involved in this fuck-witted decision have blood on their hands if they screen or broadcast this obvious and atrocious propaganda film. If you’re in Toronto, please protest the screening.

  8. That takes the title for the most stupid thing I’ve heard this year….. And that takes some doing given the abysmal level of Russia’s propaganda!

  9. As a Canadian I am pissed about this. Especially while the government is doing next to nothing on foreign interference. Here they actively help it.

  10. This is what happens when a country with a sociopath/bully mentality goes up against countries that suffer from being too kind. We have hundreds, thousands of deliberate vulnerabilities built into our societies that were put in place to protect the weak, support art, free speech, give a voice to the unheard or make sure that those who are worse off have a chance to improve their status and standing.

    Russia is weakening our democracies from the inside out. It is leeching off our kindness, our empathy, our democracy, our open societies. The same how a black hole can only exist, and ultimately grow, if it leeches matter from any star unfortunate to come close to it. Seeping away its energy to appear strong and menacing. Meanwhile, without the very star it is parasitizing off, it would stop growing. Shrink over time, one photon or graviton at a time – Hawking radiation ultimately being its undoing.

    Russia in it’s current form is a tumor. It cannot exist in a vacuum. It needs our money, our technology our inner division, our feeble minded individuals weary of our leaders. It needs our empathy, our open societies to be able to spread it’s darkness like a tumor lives off its host.

    Russia is an invasive tumor in the world, perhaps. But we allow it to be – and this article makes that vibrantly clear. Time to change our golden retriever mentality into a wolf-like one. On guard.

  11. Those right wing podcasters who shilled for the Kremlin should have used their heads and gotten their funding from Canada instead. Who knew!

  12. I guess we had to make up for cheering and applauding a Nazi in parliament cause he fought the Russians back in the day 🤷

  13. This was probably actually funded by RT and the Canadian money was treated like a bonus

  14. This gets Me so fucking angry who do I have to write to to get this shit taken out of the theatres

  15. The Canadian Federal Authorities need to look into who was behind the funding. FOLLOW THE MONEY TRAIL!

    If the company is owned or was bought out by ru SS kies, then you have your answer.

    Bought if for spreading propaganda.

  16. “Eventually, they all come to realize that everything they heard about the war in Russian media is false. They begin to doubt their purpose — and fight only to survive.”
    Not sure the film is a propaganda piece, there’s a lengthy summary on the TIFF Lightbox website.

  17. F off back home Russia. Look after your own territory cos you sure as shit can’t take Ukraines.

  18. saw the trailer. total garbage. who wants to see ruzzian drunk prisoners in green uniforms saying they have no idea why they are in ukraine in the first place? Yeah same when they are drunk behind the bozoe shop, they have no idea how they got there in the morning. Poor bastards are the real victims here.

  19. It is worth pointing out that this is not the Canadian Government directly funding this. The Canadian Media Fund is a private group doling out funds it has received from the Government as well as major media companies. It seems the Government has not direct oversight or guidance.

    That said a gaff of this magnitude should lead to the Government and its sponsors cutting ties with these people as a simple search of prior work should have shown them that Russian-Canadian director Anastasia Trofimova produces that lean heavily towards the viewpoint expressed by the Russian Government.


  20. As a Canadian I say the director bitch should have her Canadian citizenship rescinded and she should be sent to Ukraine to be swapped for a UA POW. To the Canadian government officials that approved of funding this tripe, they should be fired.

  21. Time to go ask some bureaucratic muppets for a detailed explanation on how they gave 1/3 of a million dollars to a twat producing pro-Russian/anti-Ukrainian propaganda while we are supporting Ukraine militarily.

    It’s like the fucking Nazi invited to chambers all over again. Out of touch greedy retards.

  22. Will someone please get rid of the jackass running our country? Black face, nuzzling up to China, 17 Members of parliament colluding with foreign governments. What the hell Canada???

  23. While we strongly value free speech in Canada, I don’t believe propaganda for aggressor countries should ever be taxpayer subsidized. This seems like a major oversight by the government and as a Canadian I would take this moment to apologize to our Ukrainian allies.

    I’m proud that Canada has opened its doors to over 287,000 Ukrainian refugees (as of March, 24) and I am proud to employ two of them at my shop. My family came from Ukraine 2 generations ago and I feel fortunate every day to have been born in this peaceful country and to never know the horrors of war first hand.

    I hope changes are made at the government level to avoid funding media which might make excuses for the horrific ongoing invasion of Ukraine — a democratic country, with a free press and a beautiful culture and history.

    Slava Ukraini!

  24. Disgusting! Canadian funding of Soviet propaganda. I hope the Ukrainians in Canada demonstrate during the film festival. Show the phots of the dead children and the destruction of schools and hospitals. Eh ? Eh ?

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