Latvian Authorities Identify Drone Crash as Russian Shahed Kamikaze Drone

Latvian Authorities Identify Drone Crash as Russian Shahed Kamikaze Drone

by Mil_in_ua

  1. So what it doesn’t mean shit, it’s not like there going to do anything about it. NATO is being way too soft…
    Putin is like a child of you give him a inch he’s going to take a mile intell he’s spanked by daddy

  2. This Shahed drone didn’t explode upon impact, which might provide some valuable information about its electronics and parts. Local military is already inspecting it.

    From what I’ve read, they deliberately let it fly in as part of the military exercises “Namejs”. They were constantly monitoring it and keeping in touch with respective officials of other NATO countries.

  3. Unfortunately, no action will be seen. But at least they likely won’t be like Romania who supposedly escorted shaheds with 2 F-16 for over 100km until they went into Ukraine to hit something in Odesa region

  4. Why would there be drones flying near Latvia unless the Russians are trying to escalate things.

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