Trump branded a ‘chicken’ after suggesting he’s skipping ABC debate with Harris

Trump branded a ‘chicken’ after suggesting he’s skipping ABC debate with Harris

Trump branded a ‘chicken’ after suggesting he’s skipping ABC debate with Harris

Posted by Postnews001

  1. He already looks like a turkey spent too much time in the oven. Chicken is not toofar a stretch.

  2. He’s going to have to double up his diapers for the debate, it is going to smell rank in there

  3. Why do they continue to hang on this overgrown crybaby’s every word? I hate him more than any words can describe.

  4. This article is from almost two weeks ago. There’s been no credible followup since that he intends to ditch the debate.

  5. He sounds scared. He always makes excuses for losing before he loses. Softening the landing as narcissists do.

  6. I will be watching to see if he has a stroke on live TV. It seems imminent, judging by his recent speeches.

  7. I think Trump is a flaming dipshit who will doom humanity if he wins (and possibly if he doesn’t)… but what the hell is this undated “news” story with no byline?

    Holy shit, people, find better sources.

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