Me belike

Me belike

by Ok_Introduction_9996

  1. I don’t mind being annihilated but being annihilated alongside France is one step too far and so I hope France and the UK can come together and ensure there are no Dutchies left to walk the earth.

  2. All that little crap between Croatia and Greece looks just messy. Can’t we just trow them together and make it one?

  3. And Switzerland lost it’s frenc part plus Geneva.


    Is Geneva convention still around?

  4. I don’t like you either so that’s cool you don’t come. And I don’t like your sister. Nor your country. Nor mine. Nor anybody in France. Nor myself. Nor life.

  5. If only. At least this way, Hans wouldn’t invade our beaches to dig machine gun nests every weekend.

  6. More coastline, more construction, more corruption.

    It would be like going back to the 90’s-00’s.

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