It is just after 9pm, and they have just started jackhammering the road outside my building…

It is just after 9pm, and they have just started jackhammering the road outside my building…

by WillowUPS

  1. I live near an Overground line and had to try and sleep through what sounded like some very heavy machinery scraping off the top layer of the rails for three hours. Other, lighter works have happened but that was something else. I heard the machine before the rail scraping and I genuinely thought I was having a panic attack about the end of the world.

    Obviously I don’t know about your specific works, but sometimes works in a busy city need to be carried out at a time that will piss local people off.

  2. Will be emergency works.

    You won’t complain if some gas pipe blows up or an electrical fire starts or god forbid your fibre optic cuts out and you can’t complain on reddit.

  3. I feel your pain.

    This is hopefully just an emergency repair and it will not last too long.

    I’ve seen cases where they would resurface a road during the night not interrupt traffic too much during the day. Indeed, it’s well known that cars have have only one path they can take to get to their destination but residents can just make a detour and sleep somewhere else… ugh.

  4. Yep, a similar issue near me. It sucks.

    I have the sound of rain and thunder on my speakers, loud enough to drown it out.

  5. That’s emergency works.

    And not to be a dick, but to be a dick, I live by a HS2 site and they do noisy night works after seemingly doing nothing in the day.

    It’s just one night you’ll be fine.

  6. They do this near me every few years and it’s a total pain. Today my noise based gripe was the bin lorry reversing down our street with a speaker going THIS VEHICLE IS REVERSING over and over at 6.20am. 

  7. when this happened to me i discovered there are some locations that aren’t allowed to be worked on during the day because they’d cause such severe traffic jams – not sure if that’s the case with you but it shocked me and made me move away sharpish. too many 10pm-2am works. they weren’t wrong about the issues with blocking the road in the daytime though, there was an accident involving a bus at one point and it cause standstill across east london for hours

  8. I remember this happened early one morning in the middle of summer, so the windows were open. I lived above a pub so early mornings were really not my thing at the time. I got out of bed, looked out the window and shrugged to myself and just went back to sleep! I’ll sleep through a storm but wake for a whisper…

  9. as all my friends say – it’s a big city. This phrase justifies literally anything

  10. Used to live on the A21 in East Sussex and they regularly closed it at night to do resurfacing, just one of those things I’m afraid

  11. Councils give zero shits. One of the first weeks of lock down, they decided to rip up the entire road and relay it, all at night, starting at 10pm until 4am….
    The machinery was nearly the size of the victoriana terraces not 2 meters away (horribly small pavement/non existent front gardens)

    Not that it makes a blind bit of difference, but helped me a tad. Sent an email showing the stupidness and simply stating this is why I will never vote for you or the party you represent…

  12. probably either emergency works or they can only do it at night due to traffic disruption in daytime but normally there would have been a leaflet drop or signs if it’s planned permitted works

  13. Would you prefer they did it in the day and closed the road off, leading to massive delays and traffic jams for thousands of people?

    They do it at night so they can get the work done quickly with minimal disruption.

    Big cities operate 24 hours a day. They have to in order to remain functional. Infrastructure can’t just shut down every night and remain operational.

  14. Looks like a main road and probably works that can’t be done in the day because the traffic network would grind to a halt. Buses, cycles, cars, taxis, the lot.

    Part of living in a city I’m afraid. Spare a thought for the poor sods doing the night shift.

  15. Buy some earplugs. If you wanted peace and quiet, you wouldn’t live in a big city. These things happen.

  16. You live in Finsbury Park, it’s usually crack heads keeping you at night. Be thankful for the variety 😂

  17. 2 weeks ago a main water pipe burst in my street. They just finished today – overnight work, 3 bus stops closed for this whole period, several business out of work. It is a pain but it has to be done.
    Good luck.

  18. Guaranteed this person will be on here complaining about unfinished roadworks too. I’d be fine if they were going at it at 4am if it meant they could wrap it up and get the road open again ASAP.

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