Russian soldiers try to shoot down drone but fail so one throws his gun at drone instead.

Russian soldiers try to shoot down drone but fail so one throws his gun at drone instead.

by Dredd_Doctor

  1. Hate to point out the obvious, but it clearly worked. He could have done it with a rock, a stick or a tree branch if he had one.

    Lesson learned: Different modes of detonation are needed for different targets. This particular drone was rigged for contact only.

  2. Well. Gotta say that move was actually a good one minimised the damage to him. Nothing else he could do

  3. Wow, that drone looks a lot like the “orb” in the UFO video from somewhere in the Middle East a couple years ago. 

  4. The pilot is tormenting these guys. See, it’s true. You can run but you can’t hide. Got him in the end and that makes me smile.

  5. Can’t believe they still don’t carry shotguns. My 30-year-old $80 Walmart 12ga breechloader would have eaten that for lunch.

  6. I’m sure the drone was intentionally set between them in order to get them to shoot each other. Idiots

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