Bury teenager ‘put detective in chokehold’ in police interview

Bury teenager ‘put detective in chokehold’ in police interview


by suspended-sentence

  1. >Arif shouted, “Dawlat al Islam baqiyah” which translates as “the Islamic State is remaining”, and repeatedly punched the detective to the head and body, the court was told.


    >Arif was not charged with any terrorism offences.

    Great job guys

  2. Why was he not handcuffed or otherwise restrained after being arrested and questioned by CT police?

    Over under on the chances that we see his name again when he commits a terror attack in a few years?

  3. “Architecture student” how is this even relevant other than to bias the reader in favor of this twat?

  4. “In mitigation the court heard that Arif had been “struggling with his mental health for some time” but that various character references had been provided which referred to the “positive relationship” he enjoyed with his “supportive family”.

    He has continued to refuse to hand over the access codes to the two mobile phones… “

  5. Yet another story on this sub about a brown person doing something bad, because everyone knows that white people just don’t commit crime.

    Half of the comments are from recently created accounts. What a cesspool.

  6. Something’s going on. I am overall for more controlled legal immigration and I don’t think it should be halted (being the child and relative of immigrants, I will have more positive views on it). But there’s a specific subsect that needs to be investigated. Islam needs to be discussed in regards to its compatibility with this nation.

    For the record, I’m not referring to staring at hot females walking down the street (or the like) or opposing woke ideology. The former is typical lad shit and the latter is something I agree with. People who criticise non-white people for doing this (and scream “their culture! I know everything about it and it’s bad”) are among the biggest hypocrites ever. These “troublesome” individuals (that don’t do shit clearly based on religious ideologies or anything like that) are more similar to pre-woke British people in the 80s and 90s. E.g. Muslim people opposing teaching certain topics to their children. That’s their right, they can decide what their children are taught, like anyone else. But the right can’t see that.

    In all honesty, I’d have not paid too much attention to the religion if it was just a simple violent interaction. Anyone is capable of that and there’s no reason to give Muslims more criticism if they do this compared to a white bloke. The right loves doing that, coming from a right-winger myself.

    But if they’re shouting phrases that are directly linked to Islamic Extremism (as described in the article), then that’ll immediately bring the faith into the discussion. This is taking a piss.

    Edit: Why am I being downvoted? Did my comment upset the left and right?

  7. so whats everyones fav british food?

    I’d say you cant beat classic fish n chips with mushy peas.

  8. So he carried two large knives, sadistically robbed a 17 year old at knifepoint and assaulted a police officer…and he got 30 months.

    Meanwhile, a man who shouted at a police dog during the riots got 20 months.

    Seems totally fair and proportionate.

  9. Hmm , let’s see what he said

    He had been arrested the day before on 6 February when he was stopped in a taxi and was found with a Zombie-style knife and a machete in his rucksack.

    Arif shouted, “Dawlat al Islam baqiyah” which translates as “the Islamic State is remaining”

    Seems quite suspicious, carrying weapons and saying that. Did they charge Him ?

    Arif was not charged with any terrorism offences.

  10. >Mr Arif also refused to give police the access codes to two recovered iPhones which had been requested on grounds of national security.

    >He claimed “uncovered” images of his wife were on the devices, but the Crown noted he was not in fact married.

    Jesus fucking christ

  11. He’s got the correct colour of skin and the correct religion. UK justice system didn’t stand a chance.

  12. Two and a half years plus 6 months for the attack? What the hell is going on in the UK? Nothing, i repeat nothing works here anymore. Our last line of defence was a strong judiciary and now that seems to be on its knees.

  13. The video of him (not known) at the time of robbing someone on video, at knife point was yards from his house. He wasn’t caught then but the combination of that and the ideology he supports means he should have got a significantly more serious sentence.

  14. * Convicted of two robberies and one attempted robbery, one at knifepoint, recorded on smartphone by his friend.

    * Caught carrying a zombie knife and machete in public.

    * Convicted of assaulting a police officer, causing actual bodily harm.

    * Religious/ethnic motivation to the assault, with support for a proscribed terrorist organization. Even among terrorist organizations ISIS are a bad lot! Support for ISIS means support for slavery and genocide even on top of the rest of the fundamentalism.

    In mitigation, he is struggling with his mental health, he’s an architecture student, and has a supportive family.

  15. Should be charged for terrorist activity or for supporting them why he not charged bet if an English person did this they he charged immediately

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