Debate questions for Trump

Debate questions for Trump

Posted by BullyPolFargis

  1. As a tough on crime candidate, what is your stance on convicted felons running for political offices? For Congress? For President?

  2. I think the first question needs to be worded better. Most ex-felons should be able to be part of our political process:

    * In general, people who are convicted of almost anything should be allowed to vote once they’ve payed their debt to society.
    * The only exceptions to this general rule I can think of right now is that people who are convicted for crimes like political violence, attempting to steal elections, attempting to overthrow a government, etc. should never again be allowed to take part in any levels of our political process.

  3. My question would be please name the school where little Johnny went and got that terrible surgery?

  4. How many Chucks could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

    What’s the name of your youngest son and where is he now?

    If a train traveling a 100 MPH carrying Melania derails at 98 MPH in Trump Tower and Trump Tower is on fire, how much ketchup will you throw at the walls?

    Why are you lying?

  5. Also: If a Democrat who had been working in the White House was suddenly given $2 BILLION by the Saudis, wouldn’t you want a criminal investigation.

  6. Mr. Trump, you recently denied a sexual assault allegation by stating the accuser would not have been “the chosen one” for your assault, what criteria do you use to target women for sexual assault?

  7. The first question should be:

    Do you think a former president should be able to steal and store Top Secret documents at their property (improperly) for 2 years next to a xerox machine?

  8. Mr Trump, in 2020 you said that if you lost we’d never hear from you again. What happened to that promise?

  9. “Explain again how you managed to bankrupt a casino?”

    “How many people died because you mismanaged the pandemic?”

  10. If your criminal indictments are politically motivated, why are all the witnesses Republicans?

  11. If you are the law and order party, why are so many more Republicans going to prison? So many of your associates?

  12. Well, you see. I was with, person. The numbers I’m talking about are too many. Numbers. Ivanka was very important in that being doing. Boeing isn’t. My numbers are known to most of, persons. But they are the best. Child care is child care. Deport them

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