Army Confirms Trump Staffer ‘Pushed’ Arlington Cemetery Official During Visit, Military Police Were Called

Army Confirms Trump Staffer ‘Pushed’ Arlington Cemetery Official During Visit, Military Police Were Called

Army Confirms Trump Staffer ‘Pushed’ Arlington Cemetery Official During Visit, Military Police Were Called

Posted by Postnews001

  1. diaper donOld told everyone that it was a lie made up by Harris, as per usual it’s him who is the liar!

  2. The orange shit weasel won’t have to worry about being buried there. One thing for sure in the line of folks waiting to piss on his grave.

  3. If I attacked a federal worker, say in an airport, I’d be arrested immediately – the worker would not have to personally press charges.  

    Why is this different?

  4. remember to vote people hell vote early if you dont want to stand in line just make sure your voice is heard that him and his cronies in the congress and senate are unwanted by the citizens

  5. The emplyee initiated the conflict by blocking the people walking. This is why employers will tell employees not to do this. In some states it can result in a misdemeanor:

    “The restraint, detention, or confinement of a person need only be such that it prevents the person from exercising their personal liberty. Blocking someone’s path, locking someone in a room, or tying someone with ropes are all ways to violate a person’s liberty.” [Source](

  6. ANC is one of the most solemn man-made places I’ve ever been to so of course this asshole’s entourage acted like a bunch of drunk trash while they were there.

  7. This entire story is a distraction put out by the Harris campaign to take attention away from the fact that Biden and Harris KILLED THOSE MEN. Harris has gone on record saying she the last person with Biden in the Situation Room and cast the last vote to go ahead despite the warnings of all military intelligence. They stranded those men to die. That’s what they what you to forget.

  8. Well then why was t he charged with assault, this clown idiot gets away with everything. Cannot wait until he leaves this earth.

  9. I know it’s just wishful thinking but i like to think this is the army hierarchy (well, some of it anyway) signaling that they won’t be supporting any attempt at a coup by trump.

  10. How about the Fox News bitch commentator telling the Arlington employee who was allegedly shoved out the way (something to the effect of) “show us evidence or fu_k off.”

  11. Weeellllll…this changes the story now doesn’t it?….MP’s were called?…lot more then just a deranged person…

  12. Anyone remember during the RNC he pushed one of his own secret service officers. It was after his family gave speeches and he went to shake hands with attendees. The secret service gentleman was a black man, the security was extra tight since this was after the shooting at his rally. He and his team are absolutely dispecable human beings

  13. Eventually, Trump and his enablers are going to mess with the wrong person/people, and they will indeed find out.

  14. “Get out of our way, a felon needs a photo op with people that died under his command and their death is 100% his fault because of bad decision making”

  15. Remember, it’s a psyop campaign started by Harris! /s

    I can’t wait for Mango Mussolini to get shut out hard.

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