In the Kursk region, a Russian militia member from the local self-defense force is seen reassuring children that everything is under control.

In the Kursk region, a Russian militia member from the local self-defense force is seen reassuring children that everything is under control.

by ThatGuySK99

  1. Understandable behaviour. Considering the 12 generations of fetal alcohol syndrome behind him.

  2. Last week, one of these militias was assigned the task to cover a highway, (I forget the highway number) and they did.. They shot at everything that moved on the highway, all Russians, lol

  3. So much more wrong with this! The Russian mother instinct, run for your self and abandon the kids with a rogue soldier in the store. I said it before and say it again “as heartless as Mother Russia, is the Russian Mother”!

  4. I cant understand this from any point of view. It is children and a woman. They are no threat to him. Especially not when he have a freaking gun..

    Why would he do this? Shooting a gun is *loud.* If for no other reason than egoistic why would he do this. It freaking hurts your ears..

  5. With bonus Russian childcare,… as the parent/clerk skidaddles leaving the children with the mad gunman.

  6. Always on duty, always locked and loaded, he just prevented an ATACMS from striking those kids! A true hero!

  7. So the authority of the Grand Oligarchy of Orcistan is now represented by thugs with rifles looting stores and intimidating the local populace.

    This must be what the kremlin gremlin intended when it decided to establish its Russkiy Mir.

  8. Why are the girls so shocked? They live in that society for 10 years or so? Or perhaps in a location where Pootin tries to keep up the illusion of normalcy?

  9. Ivan: of course is under control, just look how I control the AKM! And these two bottles I’ll take to keep an eye on them not to make any wrongdoing…

  10. i expect armed militia in kursk to go in shopping spree all around russia and in response russia arm more militia to stop it

  11. Everything is under control. Soon the Ukranians will come and we’ll surrender. It will be fine, I promise.

  12. Good. ruzzian citizens need to see as many examples as possible of the ineptitude of their “army”.

  13. Jokes on him, supply stole the rest of the ammo in the magazine to trade for vodka. He’ll really be missing that one round shortly.

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