Are we becoming Australia or what? Tf

Are we becoming Australia or what? Tf

by VadimH

  1. I love how this picture makes it seem like Thing has opened his own pest control business.

  2. Best thing about leaving Liverpool to live in California was saying goodbye to those terrifying beasts. Shudder.

  3. I’ve seen bigger. They’re harmless though. Giant House Spiders are very common in the UK, and are very active this time of year as its spider sexy time

  4. God bless living in South Korea. Yes, there are spiders here but you don’t get these mfs in the city.

    I actually enjoy Autumn now.

  5. I miss Perth, WA. First time I saw a Huntsman, I thought it was a joke played by a mate. Then it moved. You get used to them…ish

  6. Please mark these pictures NSFW, some people have arachnophobia and it can be triggered by stuff like this.

  7. Thankfully not, so we can safely handle house spiders and enjoy their company. Most of our spiders are harmless, Ive been moving them into the spare room to keep them away from my cats so they can do their spider thing in privacy.

  8. Just so we all know.

    You know those two bulbous things that look like massive fangs at the front of its head?

    Those are its bollocks.

  9. Why is your hand so close to it? I’m fairly sure that monster could bite it off going by the size.

  10. Those are the boy spiders looking for a girlfriend. They wander around like dorks, mate for a while and then die, only to be eaten by the missus. I personally prefer Tinder for that sort of thing.

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