Russian soldiers fail to down drone so one throws his gun at it instead

Russian soldiers fail to down drone so one throws his gun at it instead

by Dredd_Doctor

  1. That actually kind of seemed to work. Might not die, though he’s having a terrible day at best.

  2. I am amazed they didn’t shoot each other in the head when it flew between them.

    Good to see the remaining one stays in character and goes to check whether his comrade is injured or just fell over his shoe laces.

  3. That actually seems really impressive from him. I’m not sure alot of us would behave as good under such a chaotic event where ur life is about to end.

    (Yes I know none of us are scumbag orcs who deserve to die, but you get the point)

  4. I’m surprised they didn’t shoot each other while trying to shoot down that drone, like in a cartoon or cheesy action movie.

  5. Why didn’t the video last for like just ten more seconds so we could see the actual damage? I get so pissed off when the editors do this needless shit like it’s an “artistic” choice or something. I don’t get it. You guys aren’t Spielberg. It’s damn annoying, and if it continues, it will only make people lose support for the Ukranian defense effort.

    One of the few things the Ukranians have had their side is “the truth.” Don’t start fucking that up with bs videos.

  6. We will eventually see footage where a drone operator gets two orcs to shoot each other. Can’t wait.

  7. His aim was very accurate, & it exploded on his face. These guys are well equipped, must be special force. Slava Ukraini.

  8. Russia is doing what they supposed to do keep nato off there borders some of y’all too one side and been brain washed by western media

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