Why Xi secretly hates and fears Russia – and may be about to betray Putin

Why Xi secretly hates and fears Russia – and may be about to betray Putin


by ubcstaffer123

  1. The turn based strategy game player in me wants this to happen, as it would be an all time screw job, and also kind of a no brainer for China.

    But – hard to take very seriously in this current situation where Russia is so very weakened and probably would quickly resort to nukes.

  2. I agree that Xi doesn’t like Russia, certainly doesn’t trust it, but he is not going to betray it; he loathes the West more, and has a lot to gain by pulling Russia in as an economic colony

  3. I think China is operating under the principle that if they cross the border, Russia may nuke them… because Russia has said this (in a general sense).
    A few things though, as others have said (1) Russia is at its weakest point now, while China is strong, and its not been like this may be ever before. (2) Xi wants to get stuff done for China, before his term finishes/before he dies (3) While getting Taiwan is something he wants to do, if he can’t get that, getting some land from Russia may be a second best achievment… and easier to do (well…except for the nuke part!).
    Getting Taiwan is complicated as it will likely involve the US, and Taiwan is prepared for it. Taking old Chinese terriotry back from Russia will only involve Russia, who won’t be prepared for it.

  4. This theory is so popular on Reddit and it’s s absolute bollocks. China is not Russia.

    China knows that avoiding wars is sensible so as not to disrupt its rise, and looks at the US and Russia’s track record in warfare over the last 60 years and says ‘that’s why’.

    China is heavily influenced by pragmatism and pride. It wants a clean house. It thinks it can secure major geopolitical wins without resorting to unbridled and deleterious warfare. Xi dreams of a victory parade through Taipei, but not if what’s left looks like Bakhmut.

  5. Xi is eyeing the Amur region, letting Putin move his troops in the region out west to get slaughtered in Ukraine and then Xi will just quietly annex the Amur and dare an emasculated Putin do something about it

  6. I guess this could also be the actual reason why China is expanding their nuclear arsenal not just because of the US but rather to counter Russia as well?

  7. Xi will use this conflict as an opportunity to gain back shared or disputed territory involving China & Russia.

    Putin uses India and North Korea as pressure points against China’s leverage.

  8. Why invade?

    He can simply wait until Russia is cash poor then offer Russia money for a chunk of territory. All legal, all without deaths

    William Spaniel did a good video about this recently. Worth a watch.

  9. This is interesting. If China stepped into this and put an end to the war in some way it would really cement them as a world power. It would make the U.S. look 3rd rate imho. Interesting to ponder.

  10. The economics of helping Russia just doesn’t stack up. Unless the Russians are giving massive post-war concessions there just isn’t any point risking financial access to the global market.

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