Majority of voters think US economy is on wrong track: Poll

Majority of voters think US economy is on wrong track: Poll

by FUSeekMe69

  1. > The Harvard CAPS-Harris poll showed **63 percent of respondents said the economy is on the wrong track**, while 30 percent said it’s on the right track and 8 percent said they’re not sure.

    Reddit must be an alternate universe or something. Every time a post like this is made hundreds of “redditors” come out of the woodwork to explain how the economy is the strongest ever. I just made a comment in another post about Harris abandoning Bidenomics and immediately got swamped with downvotes and comments making excuses for asking why she would.

    It’s as if those “redditors” believe people believe their excuses and downvotes and they will convince everyone to love this “awesome incredible super-duper” economy Biden has dump on us.

  2. I feel like the Harris campaign is going to be the most online botted of all time. And Reddit is prime territory.

  3. Majority of people want to be millionaires and have the American dream. I also want it but see, we were once told we can do it just by doing a 9-5. No longer true and now that it’s not, people always think economy is bad and they blame the president.

  4. Americans are being taxed to death. This is because government spending is out of control and leadership in both parties frankly don’t give a shit about the people. There is something fundamentally wrong when you’re getting taxed close to 50% of your gross income between the federal and state governments. It makes saving, creating a legacy etc. for most people something close to impossible to achieve. Yes, for a good amount of people they will own a home, but with increased costs of living, taxes etc, it makes it very hard to pass that home onto their children. At some point a parent if they live long enough will have to sell their home to continue living. Leadership in both parties fail to see this as a problem and address it as such. For most Americans, each generation essentially has to start over from zero because they can’t save enough to pass upward mobility onto their children.

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