Trump Melts Down Over State of His Campaign With Wild Biden Fantasy: ‘How about a Biden comeback?’

Trump Melts Down Over State of His Campaign With Wild Biden Fantasy: ‘How about a Biden comeback?’

Posted by T_Shurt

  1. As per [original article]( 📰:

    – With the clock counting down to the first presidential debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee seems to prefer living in a fantasy land.

    On Monday, Trump was practically writing fanfiction about the possibility of still facing off against his last opponent, President Joe Biden, despite the reality of the coming hours.

    “Comrade Kamala Harris goes to an ultra Left Wing, Trump Hating, [spice shop](, which I hear has terrible, overpriced product, and calls for ‘unity,’” Trump wrote in a post on Truth Social, referring to Harris’s weekend stop at a Pittsburgh spice market called Penzey Spices. Penzeys is openly anti-Trump and anti-Republican in all its PR materials.

    “As people begin to realize that she is a Marxist, FAR MORE LIBERAL than Crazy Bernie Sanders, or even Elizabeth ‘Pocahontas’ Warren, her poll numbers are beginning to crash. Who are they going to put in next? How about a Biden comeback?” Trump continued.

    With less than 60 days until Election Day, Harris and Trump will face off for the first time Tuesday on ABC at 9:00 p.m. ET.

    A HarrisX/Harris [poll]( (no relation to the vice president) sponsored by the Harvard University Center for American Political Studies conducted last week saw Trump and Harris neck and neck among registered voters, though other polls have predicted Harris to have a slight advantage, particularly in key battleground states. Last week, the Trump campaign attempted to brush off New Hampshire entirely after spending considerable resources to win there, when a top volunteer leaked that it was clear the Granite State would vote for the Democrat.

    “This election is going to be won in those seven swing states” and not in New Hampshire, the Trump campaign’s New Hampshire co-chair Lou Gargiulo told Politico at the time, referring to Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia. “That’s where the effort’s got to be put.”


    **For any new voters or voters with questions – from helping voters to register, verify their registration, request a mail-in ballot, sign up for election reminders, to finding their polling location and staying up to date on the laws or policies that affect their ability to vote – visit []( to learn everything you need to know about voting.** 🗳️✅

  2. Independent Moderate here.

    At some point, these dementia episodes are going to give way to something dramatically worse if nothing is done, but look the other way.

    Seriously. The old man in the race is *too* old.

  3. I still think a lot of it is vanity. He knows that if he stands up next to Harris he will look worse than normal.

  4. He is terrified of losing to a woman, especially a POC. It goes against everything he is as a white male authoritarian. 

  5. Trump should drop out of the race and join Biden at the beach. I think he might be jealous to see Biden happy.

  6. he’s still going out about this fantasy 😂, I spent Billions fighting crooked Joe! then they staged a coup!

  7. Seriously?! He’s still wanting biden to come back? Christ alive, he can’t find a strategy that works can he

  8. He’s saying that like he beat Biden, he didn’t, in fact he lost by the biggest fat orange whisker in the history of our country and he’s trying to sell he’s winning what a ugly fat joke this cow is, can’t wait to see him in an orange jumper!

  9. Non-American here. Can someone please explain how a convicted felon, a person a judge confirmed was a rapist, with a penchant for telling blatant, easily provable lies, who incited a violent crowd of protestors to invade the congress building after losing the last election, who has promised to toss out the Constitution on order to be made King for life, a person who doesn’t even attain the intelligence of a gnat, how is he even allowed to run for the highest office in the land?

  10. The people I know still voting for trump do not care trump is losing it. They care that the people who will step in to cover/replace trump are not Kamala

  11. CF Drumpf’s handlers haven’t been able to prep him. He will likely crash and burn after telling 6 lies per minute.

    I figure the o/u for lies told in this debate will be north of 200, including repeated lies.

    Take the over.

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