Extreme weather to strengthen rapidly over next two decades, research suggests

Extreme weather to strengthen rapidly over next two decades, research suggests


by north_canadian_ice

  1. >Large climate model simulations were used in the study to show that large parts of the tropics and subtropics, encompassing 70% of the current population, are expected to experience strong joint rates of change in temperature and precipitation extremes combined over the next 20 years, under a high-emissions scenario.

    This means that there will be a dramatic increase in the number of extreme temperature & precipitation events over vast swaths of earth.

  2. > suggests

    No it’s the real deal. It’s basically just math. The more greenhouse gases there are in the troposphere, the more heat there is returning to the earth’s surface. Warmer ocean temperatures pump more energy into existing storm systems. Hurricanes, tornado systems, floods….

    And there will be a point in time during all this that will actually be looked back upon as “the good old days”. That’s when the Antarctic ice sheet has slid into the ocean. Or at least half of it. 3 billion people that live near a coast will migrate inland. Overwhelming grocery stores, clothing stores, pharmacies, supply chains and such until it all just stops.

    Then after that, it’s just century after century of medieval conditions.

    EDIT: word

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