What can Germany do to increase more investments in tech field and increase jobs ?

What can Germany do to increase more investments in tech field and increase jobs ?

by iamthomastom

  1. They should increase the language requirements in the tech sector, C2 german level for juniors working remote with an english speaking team should be the minimum requirement for hiring.

  2. with a basic income, ppl would have the capability to risk, without needing to fear the fall down to zero

  3. Honestly German needs to work with its strengths and that’s doing the fundamentals well. That said, they are INCREDIBLY weak in user based design—I would start there

  4. Needing 25.000€ to start a business that has a reputable suffix is a larger barrier to entry than anywhere else I have heard of and stifles the economy.

  5. Have you heard of the Schuldenbremse? Its basically the opposite of Investing or reinforcing the Future.

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