10 September 1977 – Hamida Djandoubi, convicted of torture and murder, is the last person to be executed by guillotine in France.

10 September 1977 – Hamida Djandoubi, convicted of torture and murder, is the last person to be executed by guillotine in France.


by tllon

  1. >Hamida Djandoubi was a Tunisian convicted murderer sentenced to death in France. He moved to Marseille in 1968, and six years later he was convicted of the kidnapping, torture and murder of 21-year-old Élisabeth Bousquet.

    Good riddance.

  2. Was this execution public? And how wide, in general, was the use of guillotine in 20th century France?

    I always imagined that Mr. Mersault from Camus’ ‘Stranger’ was executed on a guillotine.

  3. I sincerely wish death penalty was reinstated, on my list terrorists would be the first to go kiss the blade.

  4. For some reason I have sympathy for the executed murderer here. However, he tortured and murdered a young woman. Why did I forgot her while reading about H.D.s death? I know killing the guilty don’t wake up his victim. I, more or less, don’t believe in punishments. I just think that there are persons who cannot be let live free.

    I have never thought like this before, but the idea I got while writing the previous sentences is that maybe a prisoner serving for life time should be able to ask for euthanasia. There are several of problems: how to make sure nobody misuse this kind of a law. How would executing such a wish affect the personal executing the execution (wow, what a sentence!) and so on. But indeed, I am not completely against the idea of someone dieing instead of being imprisoned for decades anymore.

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