Something Wicked, This Way Comes.

Something Wicked, This Way Comes.

Posted by HardLeftHillbilly

  1. Or even Macbeth’s arrival and the witch’s comment, “By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes.”

  2. Trump is leading the GOP (signified by the elephant locked up) there is a crow nearby which a lot of superstitious people believe is and omen. He’s approaching the White House. The cover also has a secondary reference to the book mentioned earlier in the comments.

    But did this cover get created by AI or by an actual artist?

  3. Well. these people just want someone to amuse them on.a daily basis. They don’t care about his policies that will more than likely fuck them over in the long run. Then again, they have to be smart enough to understand that.

  4. With Trump holding yhe reigns shouldn’t it be: Somthinv incredibly whiney and stupid this way comes?

  5. The elephant knew what it was risking when it drew on the dark mojo of racism. The demon got out of the pentagram. They deserved this.

  6. The existential dread has definitely set in for me with Trump doing so well in the polls. This could be the last 2 months we get to live in a democracy ever again.

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