Apple Loses EU Top Court Fight Over €13 Billion Irish Tax Bill

Apple Loses EU Top Court Fight Over €13 Billion Irish Tax Bill

by marquess_rostrevor

  1. Ferrari catalogues to be sent to all households since they’ll do anything they can to not build more houses.

  2. In 2014, the European Commission, the European Union’s executive arm, opened an investigation into Apple’s tax payments in Ireland, the tech giant’s headquarters in the EU.

    The Commission in 2016 ordered Dublin to recover up to 13 billion euros ($14.4 billion) in back taxes from Apple, at the time saying that the tech company had received illegal tax benefits from Ireland over the course of two decades.

  3. >Apple **and Ireland** rejected the commission’s findings and claimed the company did not receive special treatment from the Irish State, which would have breached EU state-aid rules.

    I didn’t even say anything about corruption, you’ve thought about that yourself!

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