Desk Made from the USS Constitution versus Desk Used to Overturn the Constitution

Desk Made from the USS Constitution versus Desk Used to Overturn the Constitution

Posted by Pessimist2020

  1. well, every president has used that small table for signing certain things…

    and the one Kamala is standing behind isn’t the oval office’s desk. The Theodore Roosevelt desk. Didn’t see anything mentioning it was made from the USS Constitution

    The Oval Office’s desk is the Resolution desk made from the HMS Resolution.

    as for the little table….
    [Biden’s turn](
    [Obama’s turn](
    [GWB’s turn](×612&w=gi&k=20&c=YYRaaCS0SF7zwWos3S7rVSieJUmLkO7PMgs0fTvKXlQ=)

  2. To this day I will never understand why his aides thought putting him behind the Kid’s table at Thanksgiving wasn’t going to result in memes

  3. I still laugh every time I see that fat douche sitting behind that little desk.

    Someone in the White House was on our side.

  4. Fat man in a little coat lol. None of the other presidents looked fat, stupid and orange sitting behind that thing.

  5. Just curious why the back of the phone was blurred out in Kamala’s picture. Probably some infosec reason.

  6. From day one Trump’s signature on Executive Orders (which he loved and abused) looked like a lie detector test going off the charts. He signed them at that Kid’s table. Let’s not let it happen again!

  7. You are adding fuel to the shit show fire pit, which side you are adding to you ask? Doesn’t matter the other side will benefit.

  8. Pretty sure that’s the Resolute Desk made from the USS Resolute.

    The USS Constitution is still intact and afloat as a museum in Boston.

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