New Photos of Trump’s Ear Show Absolutely No Damage or Injury Whatsoever and People Have Serious Questions

New Photos of Trump’s Ear Show Absolutely No Damage or Injury Whatsoever and People Have Serious Questions

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. My highly skilled gutter tier CSI skills tell me it was probably the fireman skull shard that clipped the ear

  2. To play devil’s advocate here, I think Trump is an incredibly vain man who would pay any amount of money to have professional movie make up/prosthetics artists touch up even the smallest deformity.

    The alternative is that it was an elaborate hoax resulting in the deaths of innocent people perpetrated as a publicity stunt. I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump arranged that because he lacks any sort of moral character.

    To be honest, I don’t know what to believe on this one.

  3. Trump will sacrifice lives without blinking an eye. Think back to when he basically ignored COVID. Trump probably wanted to reinforce that there really was a shooter by someone else getting shot. We will never know who or how many other people were involved in this lie. Trump pays his MAGA clones well, I’m sure. Some people will do ANYTHING for money. And Trump will do or say ANYTHING for attention.

  4. The whole setup turned out to be a nothing burger because no one in the world cares if he is alive or not tomorrow. Literally, no one cares about this goof up of a human existence. He is a zombie wandering toward a George A Romero film.

  5. So let’s reach out to **CHRISTOPHER WRAY** at the FBI. Something like “You reaffirmed he was hit by a bullet; **show us a photo”?**

    If it’s true that he wasn’t ‘hit’ by a bullet, what does that say about the FBI and the Secret Service? Are they Republicans’ puppets?

    And where did the blood come from? **’THE POOR DEAD MAN’?”**

  6. I see what looks like could be a healed graze on his upper ear, but it must have just barely scraped his skin. He’s a lucky fuck…Satan watches out for him.

  7. “An ear had never appeared to have gone through less. Except there, on the tiniest patch of this tiny sculpture of skin, a minor distortion that resembled not a crucifixion wound but the distant aftermath of a sunburn.”

    anybody got a picture of this cross on his ear?

    because it sounds a hell of a lot like a deliberate scarification type body mod given there was no scar at all before that.

    gee whiz, I wonder how it would benefit Trump to have a symbol of martyrdom on his body that appeals to the Evangelical alt right crazies?

  8. Hit by a sliver of glass from the teleprompter. That’s it.

    Ole reliable pill broker Doc Ronnie said he had a cm sized hole in his ear. From a bullet. From an AR-15.

  9. It sure took him a long time to stand up after the secret service piled on. What was he doing? 🤷‍♂️

  10. Weird that people get tripped up because one person died… yall realize there have been real government conspiracies with tens, hundreds, and thousands of lives sacrificed?

  11. His doctors are the best, the best in the world, simply the best. People come with tears in their eyes and say “Sir you have the best doctors in the world”.

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