Can we please consider Norway Asia?

Can we please consider Norway Asia?

by Due_Inspection_9981

  1. why do people think we eat what we eat? because we live in a big forested wasteland and you have to pickle fish and dry bread.

  2. As a person who’s been that same city, where did she land?

    Like, srsly, where did she land, this one seems nicer than where i was.

    (Jk Jk, i honestly really liked Oslo. Really nice city)

  3. Ronny Schäfers’ aphorism about Norway explains this phenomenon.

    ##”Genau solche Vollidioten wie diese Norweger sind. VOLLIDIOTEN. Darum sind die auch nicht in der EU, weil die am Leben vorbeilaufen…diese Spinnerbande. Gar nichts, zusammenpacken, ENDE! Können noch nicht mal BANDMASS halten!”

    Sadly I am not able to translate this words of wisdom without loosing meaning in the process. That’s why I urge you to learn German. You can’t comprehend Kant, Schäfer or Heidegger in Neglish.

  4. Guys…I think we shouldn’t bash Norway too much, considering they already have a rough time being so dirt poor…

  5. There was a super funny quote about Norwegians being monkeys hadn’t it been because of their oil. I think it came from some Swedish politican? Would any of you, my dear friends, help me find it?

  6. Swedes still call Norway the last soviet state. Much because of the lack of technology and, yeah, this.

  7. No way, the capital city of Norway doesn’t look like a Viking fantasy town??!!


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