1 in 10 French women smoke during pregnancy despite health risks

1 in 10 French women smoke during pregnancy despite health risks


by euronews-english

  1. France is home to about 35 million women, which is about 51% of the total population, which is estimated at 68 million people. Every tenth woman in France is 3.5 million.

  2. It’s a good that those women prefer to have a kid and smoke than just smoke and have no kid.

    For me, it’s good news that they are choosing to give (less than ideal) life to someone instead of not giving life at all.


  3. I have heard from different people that doctor nowadays recommend reducing smoking instead of quitting, if quitting is going to give a lot of anxiety. They say the ansiety is worse for the baby

  4. ITT: a bunch of people who never had children running their mouths and (as per usual) holding women to ridiculous standards.

    It’s widely accepted across medicine that it’s best to let women who were smoking addicts before pregnancy just keep smoking during gestation. This is because the stress induced from them not smoking when their body is used to it is actually more hazardous to the baby than smoking itself.

    And before you ask, no, my wife did not smoke during pregnancy (or before). We just happened to meet quite a few pregnant women who did smoked and asked doctors about it by curiosity.

    So basically, rather than blaming women for not being able to quit smoking as soon as they get pregnant, we should be blaming French society for being such heavy smokers in general.

  5. I am surprised that 10% of women who even could be pregnant smokes. Here in Norway it is only that common among older people, and some young people do occasionaly smoke when they drink.

  6. My dyslectic ass read: 1 in 10 women spoke French during pregnancy despite health risks :s
    I was a bit confused

  7. Europe has an almost sociopathic problem with cigarettes. We need to get it into people’s heads that is a gross fucking disgusting habit and people should be shamed for doing. Theres so many toxic chemicals in cigarette smoke specifically you might as well sit behind a car’s exhaust and inhale the fumes it would be the same thing.

  8. Uuuurgh. I will say it one more time for the people in the back considering the usual avalanche of clichés in the comments…

    [France. Doesn’t. Smoke. More. Than. Other. Countries.](https://www.euronews.com/health/2023/08/14/smoking-in-europe-which-countries-are-the-most-and-least-addicted-to-tobacco-and-vaping)

    The smoking sociology is that France overall has a slightly higher share of casual smokers, but smaller share of heavy smokers, and ends up pretty much bang on the EU average in tobacco use per capita. Considering this study was limited to France, what we can reasonnably expect is that the numbers would track across most European countries.

  9. My father was an alcoholic, and he suffered from psychiatric issues. I inherited these traits, addiction and psychiatric issues. Mothers are not to blame about everything.

    I’ve been told men should stop smoking and drinking months before trying to impregnate someone, for the best sperm quality.

  10. This explains the backwardness of many French adults, like those who thought that swimming in a river full of shit was a great idea.

  11. Hey leave them alone. How can they maintain the title of being obnoxious and unbearable if they don’t get some mental illness from their mother?

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