We will build a wall and they will pay for it

We will build a wall and they will pay for it

by Pierre_Francois_

  1. ![gif](giphy|3sXxyP8q2RlJoGpMn8)

    did someone built their country in a hot ass climate and now they cant steal gold anymore?

  2. Can we pollute more to accelerate the process and save our fruit farmers ? That would also drown the Netherlands which I’d consider as a bonus.

  3. I still remember being a teenager in mid 2000s and being told that according to studies my house will be underwater by 2020.

    >!It’s not.!<

  4. Lucky for us, the basque and the galicians we have the Cantabric mountains as a wall and a rain shadow effect that supplies us with plentiful humidity and water.

    If the climate keeps heating however, we might become more of a savannah or a jungle

  5. So what you are saying is we need to stop taking in refugees from the third world so we will have room for the spanish refugees?

  6. except a warming world means more rainfall, not less, due to increased evaporation from the oceans.

    For example, here in the UK, the met office has stated that (depending on which part of the UK you look at) the UK is getting between 5% and 15+% more rainfall than it was 30 years ago.

    This is probably a tabloid article scaremongering after misrepresenting what the study actually says. Which is far too common in modern news media.

    Its like how every time astronomers find a new asteroid thats going to pass near the planet, tabloids start screeching about how its going to hit us and cause a mass extinction event or some shit.

  7. Me living on the north west of Spain ready for my retirement in a tropical-like climate by 2050: 😎 (we will build a wall around the north to keep the Germs and Barrys in the south were they liked to be)

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