Woman killed in Moscow region as Russians say they downed almost 150 drones overnight

Woman killed in Moscow region as Russians say they downed almost 150 drones overnight


by duckanroll

  1. Russia claims 150 drones downed overnight.

    Russia also claims to have shot down the Ukrainian airforce how many times over?

  2. I’ll say this: it’s very sad civilians lose their life. I don’t care what side of the border they live on.

    Russia can make sure no more civilians die in this war by stopping this war and leaving Ukraine.

  3. And the question up in the air – how do you stop this? What is the secret solution nobody in kremlin can see? /s

  4. Oh well, it’s not as bad as bombing a children’s cancer hospital like Russia did recently

  5. Lets cosplay russians after Ukrainian cities strike:

    – “There was military complex their”

    – “Why did anti-air forces do this?!”

    – “They were nazis, they deserve this”

  6. This is a stark reminder that behind every headline is a person with a story, hopes, and dreams. May she rest in peace.

  7. A country of irredeemable drunks, rapists and murderers is slowly starting to feel the consequences of their actions.

  8. Bring war to a peaceful nation, get war delivered back to your doorstep.

    That said, the loss of any civilian life is tragic. Especially l, when it’s due to such a senseless war started by for egotistical reasons by a narcissistic dictator.

    Imagine losing your life because your nation’s leader decided that they wanted a trophy?

  9. It doesn’t matter what side, civillians or soldiers. Human war casulties is an absolute tragedy and my head can’t comprehend how on earth we have still not learned to live with our differences in peace. Stop this war. Now.

  10. >The russians entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them. At Mariupol, Kyiv, Bakhmut, and half a hundred other places, they put their rather naive theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind.

    >*Sir Arthur Bomber Harris*

  11. Here’s a quick test to gauge your hypocrisy level.

    **Claim: If [Good Country] is a victim, it’s ok to attack the [Evil Country] civillians because they’re responsible of what their country has become?**

    0 points: No. Regardless of who is the aggressor, it’s a war crime and morally reprehensible thing to do.

    1 point: Yes.

    **Claim: [Good Country] never targets civillian infastructure if their gov says so. Can we trust them?**

    0 points: Any country would claim that. Is the right thing to do politically. However it does not guarantee that they’re sincere.

    1 point: Yes.

    **Claim: If [Good Country] hits a residential buiding of an [Evil Country] can we assume that it was most likely an accident due to GPS jamming/old maps/honest mistake and also that would not happen anyway if [Evil Country] would not invade [Good Country]?**

    0 points: No. It’s a pure speculation, we have not reason to think one way or the other without any proper investigation.

    1 points: Yes. We would never side with a country that does immoral things.

    **Claim: If [Evil Country] hits a residential buiding of an [Good Country] can we assume that it was most likely an intentional act of terrorism?**

    0 points: No. It’s a pure speculation, we have not reason to think one way or the other without any proper investigation.

    1 points: Yes. [Evil country] always does evil things.


    0/4: Godlike

    3-4/4: Typical /r/worldnews and /r/europe media consumer

    Now increase the complexity and try Israel with Palestistine (try once again by switching them around).

  12. ffs you guys debate like you believe ukr did this, are you sure? i’m 100% sure they didn’t

    stop with this!

  13. Lol, they always say that downed 100-150 drones and none reached their goals meanwhile if it was true, Ukraine would ran off from this type of drones and nothing would be on fire in Russia.

    And this happens meanwhile Russia actively demolishes cities. Should i cry for them? :/

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