Today is the day

Today is the day

Posted by BoringStockAndroid

  1. You laugh but I would like to see you take down as much alcohol as Rudy Giuliani does and then try and tweet.

  2. Either I’m gonna be really happy tonight, or really depressed. I don’t think there’s any way there’s a draw and I end up anywhere in the middle. Actually, if it’s a draw, then it’s a low for Kamala… not fair, but that’s the truth.

  3. In Future Man (which I don’t think he’s referencing…) the “Debat” SOUNDED like Debate but really, speech had broken down so much in the future, that it turned out to mean “Death Battle”

  4. “Only the very best and the brightest, so bright you won’t believe it. Smart people, very smart.”

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