Wir sind alle dem Untergang geweiht, sagt der neuseeländische Süßwasserökologe Dr. Mike Joy

Wir sind alle dem Untergang geweiht, sagt der neuseeländische Süßwasserökologe Dr. Mike Joy

Mike Joy’s grave new world

  1. >On a recent Tuesday afternoon at Victoria University, I watched freshwater ecologist and longtime environmental champion Mike Joy tell an undergraduate class that their world was headed off a cliff. He was being generous; the way he sees things, the cliff has well and truly been run over. He told the students green technologies were not going to save them, the world’s climate is going to break, and that a tipping point in the next few years will upend life as they know it.

    >The end of the world keeps him up at night. Not because he’s afraid of it, but because it makes him mad. Because it’s unfair. Because it’s unnecessary. Because it’s happening whether we accept it or not. “It’s gonna be nasty, it’s gonna be wars, it’s going to be society breaking down,” he said. “But I’m sure there were people like me running around in the Mayan and Roman Empires going ‘no, no, no, don’t do this!’, and they would’ve been told ‘shut up, I’m making money out of this’.”

    >”I’m talking about this kind of stuff all the time and I get labelled [‘Dr Doom’.](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/527347/mike-joy-on-his-memoir-and-butting-heads-with-sir-john-key) I was at a public meeting just the other day and I thought, you know, actually business as usual – if we carry on doing what we’re doing – that’s doom.”

  2. I’ve literally heard this for the past 20 years.. it’s always in the next few years.. smh

  3. Dr Melchet says “If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face, will see us through!”

  4. My father fished a river years ago.His home is New Zealand. Water got in his waders. He nearly lost his foot to infection. The doctor said a certain bacteria was causing problems everywhere. Clean 100% pure NZ is nonsense.

  5. Great, more climate doomerism. Surely that will motivate people to tackle the problem.

    Idgaf about downvotes, keep fighting the good fight even if this guy wants to roll over and die.

  6. Unfortunately DrDoom is likely right and we are well beyond the point of no return.
    Hence “enjoy the ride”

  7. “I’d like to share a revelation that I’ve had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species. I realized that you’re not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You move to an area, and you multiply, and multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet, you are a plague”

  8. Reddit has always been heavy on the doomers

    It’s not that bad out there. Go outside and enjoy life. You never know when your gonna go…

  9. So what I’ve to do now we are doomed?

    Live like there is no consequences? Join a doomsday cult? Give up and wait the inevitable death?

    Those headlines really don’t help IMHO.

  10. Issue with all doomers is when they say stuff like:

    >a tipping point in the next few years will upend life as they know it

    It destroys the credibility of ALL environmental initiatives. All people need to do is wait a few years, see the world is not upended. Rinse and repeat… by 2024 the entire planet should be an uninhabitable wasteland according to doomers a couple decades back – but it isn’t.

    Stop putting out overdramatic bullshit. The issues we’re facing are serious enough that we don’t need to constantly exaggerate them.

  11. Just remember folks, we’re probably not killing the planet. We’re making it angry and it’s going to kill us for how we’ve treated it. Unless we actually use our nukes, _then_ we might just kill everything.

  12. Of course we are. It’s already too late. However saying it out loud will mean that’s governments stop trying completely, just accelerating it. So scientists who know this don’t say it out loud. It’s like telling a smoker they have terminal lung cancer. They will just smoke even more.

  13. Thank God im 30y old, might get to chill for another 20 until shit goes crazy.

    Sucks to be born in today’s world.

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