Ukrainian strike hits Russian apartment building

Ukrainian strike hits Russian apartment building

by TheTelegraph

  1. I have no opinion on pootin
    I’m not interested in politics
    I don’t understand that kind of stuff
    How is it my problem what Our Glorious Army is doing in Ukraine?

  2. No-no-no my friend, apartment building wasn’t a target, so blame russian jammers and electronic warfare devices.

  3. Knock knock Muscovite zombies, this is War, and it says you can’t apolitically ‘meh’ your way out of 650,000 dead Russians and god knows how many murdered Ukrainians.

    Knock knock, you wanted this, your apathy allows it to continue, and one day it could be you or little Sasha while she sleeps.

    Wake the fuck up and demand a stop to the war, do something besides binge drinking and not giving a shit. For fuck sake Russians, do something if you really want to stop being seen as nothing more but mindless accomplices to Genocide.

  4. How does western media immediately know those are Ukrainian drones? Shouldn’t it be ‘alleged’?

  5. Russian citizens, if you’re unsure how to handle drone strikes, *simply ask a Ukrainian. They are subject matter experts by now*.

  6. How do we know it’s not the Russian government propaganda show? It is not the first time Putin staging a terror attack to gain support

  7. I wouldn’t doubt if Russia fired upon its own people just to blame Ukraine for something they’ve done a thousand times.

  8. wow, some ruzzians just realized there’s some kind of war going on somewhere nearby. that’s a good thing.

  9. Confirmed Ukrainian drone, or alleged by russia but actually one of their multiple stray drones? The likes which have went off from their path into Poland, Hungary, Latvia and even Belarus?

    And how come, when Ukraine launches 140+ drones, *ONE* civilian dies.. but when russia does it with 2-3 missiles, *multiple cancer children* dies?

  10. Always sorry for the loss of innocent lives. Not sorry for the complacency of the Russian people in not standing up to their dictator of a president.

    Putard. Karma is a bitch. Do the right thing and take a long walk off a short pier.

  11. I dont no much about politics blah blah blah ……….. yeah its coming home now, start getting into politics Putin is fucking wrecking your country as well as Ukraine

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