President of UN General Assembly: We cannot force Russia to comply with international law

President of UN General Assembly: We cannot force Russia to comply with international law

by LIGA_net

  1. The UN is by its nature just a political and diplomatic talkshop. It’s not able to force any country to do anything, much less a nuclear power sitting in the security council like Russia.

  2. Just like they weren’t able to stop the Rwandan Genocide, the Cambodian genocide, the Bosnian genocide, etc. Btw, those were the ones that came to mind and happened after the creations of the UN. To me, UN is the most useless organization.

  3. It’s crazy that such an organisation never had (and still doesn’t have) a plan for a situation when members just don’t comply.

    They could have at least throw them out (like an equally useless league of nations has done) and unite against them.

    Instead they keep letting ruzia waste resources/time and spread their propaganda.

  4. Ukraine has more restrictions than any other country. We are telling them what they can and can’t do with their weapons. While Russia does what they want. Imagine Ukraine didn’t have those restrictions?

  5. *On April 3, 2024, the spokesperson for the UN Secretary-General, Stéphane Dujarric, condemned the attack by Ukrainian drones on targets within Russian territory.*

    I hope this person has been condemning Russia’s continued occupation of Ukrainian territories as well?

  6. Nope. The UN is not a FORCE generating body. But the UN IS an influence generating body. They can make the choice to ignore international law so very painful that Russia chooses to follow it instead. But the UN currently chooses not to even try. And making yourself irrelevant by choosing to appear impotent is really dumb.

  7. Translation: “One of our permanent members is being a cunt, but there’s nothing we can do because we are an ultimately worthless organisation”.

  8. Remember when Imperial Japan walked out of the League of Nations after annexing Manchuria and the Rape of Nanking? Remember what happened after that? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

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