Man’s staggering response after slapping schoolgirl on bottom and causing train chaos – “I do this in Poland all the time – what’s the problem?”

Man’s staggering response after slapping schoolgirl on bottom and causing train chaos – “I do this in Poland all the time – what’s the problem?”

Posted by rarely-redditing

  1. Headline is a bit misleading. Makes it seem like he slaps schoolgirls on the bottom all the time in Poland, when he specifically only said that about walking on the train tracks.

    Regardless, he’ll just join the ever growing number of foreign prisoners (over 11K currently) that should’ve been deported and permanently barred from re-entering.

  2. *The court heard he had four previous convictions in the UK and two previous convictions in Poland relating to drug offences.*

    Why the fuck are we allowing repeat offenders to remain in the country?

  3. He looks like a Poundland version of Anthony Kiedis, who, coincidentally, also slaps underage girls on the bottom (probably).

  4. These brown immigrants…oh wait. Tommy Robinson and his fans won’t be making any videos now or burning polish workplaces.

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