78 year-old Trump isn’t too old to be president.

78 year-old Trump isn’t too old to be president.

Posted by occupyreddit

  1. It’s not that he’s 78. Is that’s he’s a wholly incompetent puppet not even remotely fit for the position.

  2. I can envision a person being 78 and able to begin a term as American president. Donald Trump is nothing like them

  3. So, my father is 77 years old. He is actually in quite good shape both physically and cognitively. I would not vote for him if he ran for president, simply because he’s completely out of touch with the world around him. The man still has a fucking flip phone. A few years ago, after he retired from working for one company for 45- some odd years, he decided he wanted to get a part time security job for a little extra money. He had to buy a laptop to go through the application and background check process. I am honestly surprised that laptop survived after watching him lose his shit over and over when prompted to re-enter the same information he had already entered on the previous several pages.

    He did get the job, clean background and all, but I have to say if I were a random stranger going to try and pull off a caper I would probably pick a day when he was working, BECAUSE HE’S TOO OLD TO BE ABLE TO STOP ME. So maybe we should hold the office of President of the United States to a similar standard, and not allow people who are too old and unqualified to even apply for the job. Especially when they already had the job once, and got fucking fired.

  4. The republican party could actually win if they decided to step away from the religious freaks.

  5. If Biden is too old at 81 then that means trump will by republican logic be too old by his third year if he were to win.

    And if their response is that it was mental health, not pure numerical age, that contributed to their claims against Biden’s age.. Then let’s see a mental health assessment from trump

  6. Yes, yes… Biden is too old and incoherent to be president, but Trump, who is far more incoherent, and would be several years older than Biden and far more cognitively compromised at the end of another 4 year term, is perfectly qualified.

    The mental gymnastics these idiots pull off every day to blissfully waltz their way through their own bullshit is simply incredible.

  7. 80 year olds at the peak of health. The real top 1%ers cognitively, still just don’t have it like they used to. It’s a sad fact of life.

    But Trump is not peak health for his age. There’s a reason his speeches sound more like gibberish than ever.

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