Sad image of an invader in what it seems to be a state of shock after being wounded and laying on the floor. Probably result of a close explosion.

Sad image of an invader in what it seems to be a state of shock after being wounded and laying on the floor. Probably result of a close explosion.

by AgreeableFreedom6203

  1. It’s been clear for a long time now, that it’s not just prisoners, Russia has also recruited homeless and mentally ill.

  2. Looks like his mouth is almost hanging off, I would say shellshock, close proximity to a blast has changed his reality…forever.

  3. Why always with the pants down?!?
    Every second video of a prone Russian, the drawers are inevitably halfway to his ankles?

    Listen guys, I don’t want to see your arses.

    I just want to see you die.

  4. Christ. Imagine invading another country on the whims of a chubby faced botoxed little troll only to end up injured in a field surrounded by your dead comrades knowing no-one is coming to save you.

    No wonder the guy is regretting recent decisions

    Unfortunately for him, our allegiances have consequences.

  5. The sound of drones are starting to have an impact on the soldiers. Like shellshock with artillery, just more modern.

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