How the 2024 Election Coverage Feels to Me

How the 2024 Election Coverage Feels to Me

Posted by TheKimulator

  1. “Mz. Harris can you tell us more about the fiscal strategies you will use to further reduce inflation while ensuring that modest wage rises can be achieved, and taxation levels can be optimized to allow for growth in small businesses.”

    “Mr Trump, how many legs has an elephant? And it’s more than three but less than five.”

  2. Let’s be honest he probably would have said I blew up my toilet not say the word blues. And they’d say good enough.

  3. “Ms. Harris, please accurately describe the economic policies of the last 10 Democrat presidents.”

    “President Trump, if you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?”

  4. “Old Glory Blue” to save a search. It’s also “Old Glory Red”. The white is just plain white, no fuckin’ special name. Cause, you know…there’s got to be a racism joke there somewhere but I’m already tired and it’s not even 8am and it’s only fucking Tuesday.

  5. “President Trump, what sound does a doggy make?”

    “Ruff, just the way Ivanka likes it”

    “OMG is this the moment he finally became president?!”

  6. Also, “what an incredibly rude question, not even an, how are you? Going straight to fake news dishonesty” 🤬

  7. Trump is graded on a curve.

    Harris is expected to be perfect and if she isn’t, she is criticized. Trump is expected to as knowledgeable as a 1st grader and if he is, he is praised

  8. Dems are always held to a higher standard for some reason. Probably because republicans are such despicable horrible weirdos people that even showing the slightest bit of normalcy gets them bonus points.

  9. It’s all just silly at this point. Media must be anticipating a huge defeat for Trump, so trying to keep it close.

    I will concede to the Trump dumbasses though that MSM is pure garbage

  10. JD Vance legit looks like a serial killer who forgot to wipe off the last bit of his clown makeup after a night of murdering hobos

  11. I’ve recently heard the term “insanity-washing” when it comes to Trump and yeah, that happens.

    He screams and rants about putting anyone who votes against him in jail, the NYT “Trump discusses voting mechanics”

  12. It’s no surprise that corporate media is right leaning because corporations all benefit from unaccountable capitalism.

    The great mystery is why any individual is right leaning or tolerates the enslaving, self-destructive principles of corporations or their conservative mouthpieces.

    We’re a nation of sheep being led to slaughter posting selfies along the way.

  13. I’m dreading this debate.

    Harris will have to be the personification of excellence for the media to not completely shit on her. And they’ll still try to pick something out.

    Trump will turn up, shit himself, talk absolute rubbish. And the media will just focus on how Kamala laughed too loudly, or coughed too much.

    As a non-American watching this all unfold, I am in complete disbelief.

  14. News the next day: It was a tough debate for Harris, she struggled to get her message across simply. A lot of voters are saying she is describing in too much detail. Former indicted president Trump’s camp believes they had a strong performance and he did very well. Political Expert, how do you think the Democrats will adjust policy based on the feelings of Republican voters still stuck in the middle?

    For real, watching PBS report on addressing voter concerns of whatever the fuck the Fire Hose of Lies and Hyperbole rants about is so frustrating. They’ll ask questions and give serious talk about why people feel this way rather than just looking into the camera and reading off headlines and saying, “This isn’t the actual case. Here’s the data. Now we move on to discussions on addressing housing costs amid interest rates or some other boring ass shit with substance…”

  15. When one candidate acts like they have dementia, the mainstream media goes wild. When the other one acts like they have dementia, the mainstream media treats it like it’s nothing.

  16. Lawerence O’Donnell has been talking about this on MSNBC for the whole election. He just put out a good video discussing the media sane washing Trump’s words.

  17. The central character in our reality show is the weird, crazy, unpredictable guy, just like any reality show looking for ratings and advertising dollars.

  18. It’s like if a toddler were running, and everyone is trying to placate him, because they don’t want him to cry.

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