Nancy Pelosi Calls Trump’s Jokes About Brutal Attack On Her Husband ‘Sick’

Nancy Pelosi Calls Trump’s Jokes About Brutal Attack On Her Husband ‘Sick’

Posted by Cute-Perception2335

  1. Maybe if Trump’s shooter had gone after his family instead, Trump would understand. No, Trump would never understand.

  2. Donold Dump, the weak weird old man who wore a maxi pad on his ear for a scratch, loves to poke fun at people with real serious injuries.

  3. Even more disgusting since it was a Trump supporting QAnon nut.

    Trump is the very reason her husband got attacked in the first place

  4. Headlines being “Trump mocks Pelosi’s husband attack and how this spells trouble for Harris”.

  5. Dead God…please end Trump and cause all his supporters pain = to the pain they have given to others both intentional and unintentional. Amen.

  6. That was a premeditated assassination attempt on the Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi by one of trump’s mAgat cultists that turned into an assault on her husband because the mAgat was a moron.

  7. This is why this child bully should be no where near WH , “BE BEST” Donallld as his pro…ute would say

  8. Trump is a full blown textbook sociopath. How so many Americans are ok with that fact baffles me every day.

  9. That was disgusting.

    And then he wants our sympathy when he’s attacked by the same instability that he profits from

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